Post 217

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1st of November 2017
Whats on my mind today?
This morning I woke up with the word Condone in my head.
Lets see what it means;
Condone; Accept (behaviour that is considered morally wrong or offensive)
( google dictionary) or
To disregard or overlook. (
What am impressive word this Condone is. At first glance it's a big word that is and sounds Boisterous!!!!!
It's absolutely true for some people who would rather accept, disregard or overlook bahaviour that is considered morally wrong and offensive.
How easy is it to just overide.
How easy is it, to just let the vuctims who bare the brunt of these people who display behaviour that is considered morally wrong and offensive to suffer.
Turning a blind eye is the easiest option.
CONDONE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sometimes the people who overlook and disregard, can't face up to the fact, it's a loved 💕one who's the one ☝️ displaying this morally wrong and offensive behaviour.
So rather than stepping up to the plate and saying; NO STOP 🛑!!
Would rather live life as it is. Afterall it's not them on the recieving end, is it now!
Well let me tell you a thing or two. 😡😠
Standing up to these morally wrong and offensive people shows;
That one has a backbone. ☝️
That one has a heart
That one has respect of self and others.
That one has morals.
It also shows you care for that person doing these actions, by telling them it's Not Okay!!!!! And to stop 🛑 this behaviour.
It might be hard to accept at first, but wouldn't  you rather have peace ✌️ in your heart   and soul knowing you have done the right thing.
As the opposite of peace, well you just Don't want to go there.
Remember, when we hurt others, we ultimately hurt ourselves.
            IN LOVE AND LIGHT.

Uhmmm!!! What's on my mind: Part 2Where stories live. Discover now