1- Home

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I watch as the scenery changes as we pass fields and forests, the land looks so different than I remember. It's been a whole two years since I left, and I hadn't checked in by letter or phone in months. I wonder how everyone is, I know Al is still in Xing with Mei, he keeps insisting they aren't a thing but I can tell.

Once I exit the train I look around, I know I wouldn't find anybody, but it's an old habit. I never informed anyone I was returning, especially so soon. Just two months ago I was calling saying I'd be gone for longer than I thought, I hadn't found what I needed yet. Of course I found it a week later.

I kept a swift stride while walking on the path to the Rockbell's residents, waving to my old friends on the way. I really did miss Resembol, I missed everything about it. I started to slow down as the house came in view, my heart raced faster and faster with each step. I should just turn back.

Once I got to the front door I pulled my fist up to it, and knocked once, very lightly. I manned up and knocked again, harder, so they would hear. I heard mumbling and talking from inside the house:

"Winry! Get the door!" Granny demanded to her granddaughter.

"Alright, alright!" Winry this time.

I heard shuffling as someone made their way to the door, I saw the doorknob turn, and the door swung opened. It all went by so slowly, my heart beating fast in my chest. It took a moment to register what I was seeing, it was Winry.

I smiled through my nervousness and tried to say "hi" but nothing would come out of my mouth. And then she blinked, slowly at first but then faster. "Ed?" she asked, even though she already knew the answer.

Before I could say a word she buried me in a tight hug, her hair in my face, usually I'd push her off of me but I leaned in. I missed her so much.

"Ed," she pulled her head back, looking me in the face, I saw tears form in her eyes, "You're back!" then she buried her face in my shoulder.

I leaned my head to her ear and said, "I missed you so much, Winry," it's all I could say. I wanted to tell her how much I loved her and how I'm sorry I've been gone for so long, but I could only say I missed her.

"I missed you too, Edward!" her eyes met mine, then they went stern, "But why didn't you call when you were returning!" She has no wrench so she used her hand to slap my head. The force pushed me to the ground, this woman got stronger.

"Ow," I rubbed my head.

"You never learn do you?" She then laughed and reached her arm out to me, I took it and stood up. I didn't care how much she smacked me, as long as I could see her beautiful face. I felt my face get hot. "Are you sick or something? Your face looks really hot, and you have hardly said a word."

Granny poked her head out the door, "Ed, my boy, you came home, good, the roof needs fixing." Classic Pinako, puts the work on you as soon as she can.

She went back into the house, Winry sighed. "What's wrong?" I asked her, putting an arm on her shoulder.

"It's nothing," she brushed me off.

"Winry I-"

She cut me off, "We were worried about you Ed," she turned to face me, tears were streaming down her face now. I couldn't say anything, nothing came out. "Two months, you didn't send anything, or called for two whole months! Al didn't hear from you either! We- I was worried."

"I'm sorry, I meant to but-" she stopped me from continuing by putting her lips against mine. We kissed for probably a few seconds, but it felt like hours, before she pulled them away. "Winry," I started but didn't know what to say to finish.

"I know Ed, you had to find something," her lips tickle mine as she talks, "All that matters is that you found it, right?" Her big blue eyes rise up to mine. I nod, unable to speak, which seems very common when I'm in her presence. "What were you trying to find," she turns a piece of her hair around her finger, looking down at the floor.

"I- I," I stutter, "I can't tell you," I sigh.

I expect her to be sad, and hug me, begging to know, but instead she stomps on my foot, breaking our precious moment. "You just expect me to stand here, waiting for you, to find some stupid thing, for years?! And you won't even tell me what?" She has tears in her eyes again, but she's fuming with anger. "What, Ed? Did you have a girlfriend you needed to find, or something? Because I don't know what other reason there could be for you not telling me!"

I laugh, she thinks I had found a girlfriend, I can't help it, that's the funniest thing I've heard in a long time. "What, are you making fun of me?" she asks.

"No," I say simply, and try to stop my laughter from escaping. "No, Winry, not at all."

"Then why were you laughing?"

"You thought I had a girlfriend," I laugh.

"And that's funny, how? It's pretty logical," she states.

"It's funny, because I could never love anyone but you, Winry," I pull her in for a hug, to calm her down, but she smacks me in the face.

"Real smooth, Elric, but I don't buy it," she walks away, her hair wiping in the wind behind her. She goes inside, shutting the door behind her, I hear the sound of the lock. Ugh, Winry.

I knock on the door, then hear some loud humming, I pound louder. She taps on the window to my right and points to the side. She wants me to go around the back.

As I open the door at the back of the house Granny Pinako taps her foot loudly on the ground. "You're making a racket!" She says, angrily.

"Sorry," I roll my eyes, slipping past her.

I find Winry in the kitchen, humming loudly while stirring something in a big pot, it smells like... stew! This girl sure is the greatest. I walk up behind her and smell the soup over her shoulder. She lifts up her spoon from the pot and smacks it to my forehead.

I rub the liquid off of my face with my sleeve as she continues stirring the drew and humming loudly. "Winry," I sigh, "This looks delicious."

"I'm sure your girlfriend can cook way better than me," she huffs.

"Sure," I play along, "But no one can make better automail than you," I say the last part in a slightly deeper voice I know she won't be able to resist.

"So, that's why you came back? Your leg needs to be touched up, huh?" I roll my eyes.

"No, I found what I was looking for, so I came back, that's why I'm here," I didn't want to tell her how my leg isn't the only thing needing to be touched up.

She sets down the spoon and walks towards the door out of the kitchen, "Well, are you coming or not?" I follow her into her automail room, where she must've worked on dozens of new male customers while I was gone. "Take your clothes off," she says, her back to me, gathering her tools up.

"Whoa, Winry, don't you think you're rushing things a bit?" I tease her.

"I didn't mean that, Edward," she slams a wrench down onto her table, it looks like she's really trying to not throw it at me. "I need to touch up your automail, so, take your clothes off," she says sweetly, clenching her teeth, her fingers white grasping onto the wrench.


How was it? I actually think I did a pretty good job, hehe. Well, if you liked it there is more to come! Thanks so much for reading, bai!!!

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