Moving & Meeting

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So this is a new crossover i decided to try writing, because sadly it will never be an actual episode, since the two shows belong to two different networks, Disney and Nickelodeon, let alone the fact that BFW was cancelled almost a year ago now. This idea popped into my head a while ago I just needed to actually write it lol. I was scrolling through my stories and I realized that i have more crossover stories than regular stories on here. but that's alright. This story takes place after Revenge Of The Past (BFW), with the only difference being Daisy never left, and after Danger Games (HD). Cyd's parents are present, and there are other OC's minor OC's used in this story. Here's the first chapter of the first ever Best Friends Whenever and Henry Danger crossover! Enjoy!


"So this is it huh? Moving day." Cyd pointed out, although she didn't need to.

"Yeah."Shelby solemnly replied. Last week she and Cyd had learned that Shelby's dad (and Cyd's) had been promoted, but this meant that they had to move to a place called Swellview with their families and friends, as Barry, Daisy, and Naldo had convinced their families to move too so they wouldn't be apart, so there's that. But they were all going to miss Portland, where they all grew up, except for Daisy. Many memories were made here, like when they met, the RV lab that Barry and Naldo accidentally blew up, where many science experiments were conducted, especially the accidental one that changed Cyd and Shelby's lives a couple of years ago. the new garage lab that was built afterwards, rescuing Daisy, and many more. Soon, they were all packed up and ready to go. They each took one last look at their childhood houses before getting in the cars and heading off to Swellview.

Time Skip ~

After a two hour drive, the crew finally arrived in Swellview. It was a beautiful, quaint little town in the heart of America. They pulled into the driveways of their new houses that their parents  had either bought or rented. Shelby, Cyd, and their families would be sharing a house, Naldo and Daisy with their parents (Naldo's parents had officially adopted Daisy) would be in another, and Barry's family would be living in the last one. They all lived next to each other, just like in Portland. Soon the cars were being unpacked. Shelby and Cyd walked into the new house to see that it was a nice, open-concept, pretty large and roomy house, which was what they needed with eleven people living here. It had six bedrooms, four bathrooms, a large kitchen/dining room, a living room, an attic that was useable, probably as a multipurpose room, and the basement contained a wreck room, one of the bathrooms, and the laundry room. Shelby and Cyd would be sharing a room, Shelby's parents had one, as did Cyd's. Brett and Chet were in one, and Cyd's brothers Max and Ben would share another, although Max was in college so it would mostly be Ben's room, and finally last but not least, Cyd's little sister Emily would be in the room next to Cyd and Shelby, because it had a door connecting the two rooms, like some hotels do. Soon, all of their stuff was moved in, so they unpacked a lot of boxes, ate dinner, then they all decided to go to bed because they've all had a long a long day.

Time Skip ~ 3 days later ~

It was now Monday, which meant that the gang would be starting at their new school, Swellview High School. They arrived a little early, so they had time to collect their locker info and class schedules. All of their lockers were located near each other, and had thumbprint locks, which they had never seen before. That was pretty cool. As they were putting their belongings away, Shelby looked up and saw a handsome, gorgeous blonde boy with beautiful eyes. He was wearing a red plaid shirt with blue jeans and black vans. She also noticed that he was wearing a black digital watch on his wrist. With him was another boy with curly hair who had brown eyes and was wearing a patterned red and blue shirt, faded blue jeans, and beige Nikes, and a girl with dark skin, black, curly hair, wearing a purple t-shirt, a pink skirt with white leggings, and black flats.

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