Secrets Part 2

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Here's Secrets Part ll. Oh and BTW, in this story, Henry's family knows his secret. Okay continue on.

Henry walked in through the front door of his house, threw his backpack on the couch, and went to the refrigerator for a snack. He and his friends, including his new ones, had parted ways at Shelby and Cyd's driveway. They had learned a lot about each other, but the one thing that he knew he couldn't tell them was the truth about his job. They knew that he worked at Junk N' Stuff, that much was true, but that was all that they could know. Henry's mother Siren came down the stairs.

"Hi Henry. How was school?" She asked.

"Hi mom. School was good." Henry replied.

"Did you meet our new neighbors yet? They moved into the houses across the street." His mom wondered.

"Well, I haven't met all of them yet, but I met the teens at school today. And I think we are going to be great friends." He stated. Jake, Henry's father, came into the room.

"That's great honey. What are their names?" Siren asked.

"What are whose names?" Jake wondered.

"Our new neighbors. Henry met the teens at school today." Siren informed. Jake nodded, his mouth forming an O shape.

"Yeah. There's three girls whose names are Shelby, Cyd, and Daisy, along with two boys named Barry and Naldo. They all just moved here from Portland, Oregon. Apparently their parents got promoted so they all moved here with their families. And they've all been really good friends for a long time now." Henry explained.

"We can't wait to meet them." Jake said. Henry opened his mouth to reply, but before he could actually say anything his watch started to beep. He glanced at it, then at his parents. They both nodded.

"Go, but be safe!" Siren told him. His family knew what his job really was now. Henry nodded and ran out the door, grabbing his phone off the kitchen counter along the way, heading towards Junk N' Stuff. When he got there, he said a quick greeting to Gooch, one of his co-workers who was currently behind the checkout counter before going to the back and taking the hair raising elevator ride down to the top secret Man Cave.

"Ray, I'm here. What's the situation?!" Henry wondered.

"We have two thugs trying to rob a local shoe store, which is called Shoes and You!" Ray explained as both of them took out their gumball tubes, popped one into their mouths, blew bubbles, and transformed into their alter egos, Captain Man and Kid Danger. Once under them, the tubes came down.

"UP THE TUBES!" Both of them shouted simultaneously as they disappeared up the said tubes.

~Time Skip~

Upon arriving at the scene, Captain Man and Kid Danger found the thugs trying to steal cash... and shoes.

"Stop right there!" Captain Man ordered. The thugs turned around.

"Well, well. Captain Man and Kid Danger. What a surprise." Thug Number One said with sarcasm in his voice. They began to fight, and fought for about 5 minutes, but as usual, Captain Man and Kid Danger won. The police came and took away the thugs, who were both out cold. Then the news came, but the two superheroes left before they could get an interview because Ray wanted to avoid talking to Evelyn Hall.

"Should've at least called her." Was all Henry said and ray glared at him.

~Time Skip~

Charlotte and Jasper were in the Man Cave when Henry and Ray returned, coming down the tubes. Jasper was sitting on the couch while Charlotte was sitting at the computers.

"Hey Henry. Hi Ray. How did it go?" She asked.

"We fought them. They ended up in jail. You know, the usual. Anyway, I gotta go do a few things before dinner." Ray informed as he headed towards the bathroom. Henry went to the snack machine to get a drink.

"Henry, can I ask you something?" Charlotte asked.

"Sure. What?" Henry replied as he chewed and blew a bubble, turning back into himself. He then took a sip of his cherry soda.

"Do you like like that new Shelby girl?" Charlotte wondered, making Henry nearly spit out his drink and Jasper smirk.

"W-what?" Henry replied. Charlotte gave him a you heard me look.

"Why? Are you jealous?" This time it was Henry's turn to smirk.

"No." Charlotte replied, although she wasn't sure if that was true or not.

"Well... Okay yes, I like Shelby. But we just met, and you guys know that I don't have good experience dating girls I just met. You've seen how that turned out." Henry admitted, his ex girlfriends Chloe and Bianca and the fact that they both literally left him for the woods crossing his mind.

"I knew it!" Charlotte squealed.

"But you're right. Maybe you should wait and just be friends with her for a while, see how it goes." Jasper suggested. Charlotte nodded in agreement. Henry's phone rang.

"Hello? At work. Okay. Yes. See you when I get home. Love you." He answered, as Ray came back into the room.

"That was my mom. I've got to go home for dinner now." Henry informed.

"Okay. Well see you tomorrow at four o clock pm!" Ray reminded.

"Yes. Up the tube!" Henry replied, as he exited the Man Cave. As he was walking home, he saw Shelby and Cyd talking to each other through their window, so he decided to go say hi to them. He climbed up to the window via the tree next to it, something he wa used to doing from when he would have to sneak in and out whenever he had late night missions before his family found out that he is Kid Danger. Or sometimes when he forgot his key and his parents and his little sister Piper weren't home or asleep. But before he could speak, he saw something that was DEFINITELY not normal. The two girls accidentally broke an expensive looking vase, then disappeared and reappeared in a flash of golden light, and the vase looked as if nothing had happened to it! It was right then and there that Henry realized that he wasn't the only one with with a big secret. He knew he had to ask them about it at school the next day.

What do you think? No flamers. Let's wait and see what happens!

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