Figuring It All Out Part 2

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Hi! Finally got an update for you all! Actually I've had it for almost 2 weeks,  but I just forgot to post it on here. A lot of my focus and attention has been on college lately, but right now I have some free time and inspiration to update fanfiction. Here is Chapter 5, part two of Figuring It All Out.

The next day, Henry had a hard time containing his excitement and nervousness. After learning Cyd and Shelby's secret, he couldn't wait to finally be able to tell them his, if Ray let him. That was the part he was nervous about. What if Ray said no? It wouldn't be fair if Henry knew their secret but they didn't know his. Also how would they react? They wouldn't blab it to the world, right? No, Henry knew he could trust them, especially since they trusted him. So he just hoped for the best. His friends, however; they were just confused about why Henry was so excited. All they knew was that it probably had something to do with why they were all going to Junk N' Stuff, even though that's where Henry, Charlotte, and Jasper would have went after school anyway, since they work there. But whenever they asked him why, he'd just tell them they'd see later. At the sound of the final bell, Henry stood up so fast he accidentally hit his knee off his desk and flipped it, making his books and papers fly everywhere, and people stared at him. He mumbled something under his breath.

"Whoops, sorry." he apologized as he put the desk back upright and gathered all his books and papers, stuffing it all in his backpack. Then he joined the others and they headed off towards Junk N' Stuff. Upon arriving, the sound of the dinosaur roar echoed throughout the store. They all walked in.

"So why did you want us all the come here Hen? I mean, me, you and Jasper work here so we pobably would've came here anyway, but still." Charlotte wondered.

"Uh, I'll explain it later. Can I talk to Shelby and Cyd in private for a minute please?" Henry asked.

"Sure." Charlotte replied, as she ushered the others outside.

"So why did you want us to come here again?"Shelby asked.

"Okay, where do I begin? I've been thinking about what you both told me last night." Henry began.


"It would be perfect for this job! That is, if you are both up to it of course." He replied.

"How exactly would time travel be useful for working in a junk shop?" Cyd wondered.

"Well, actually this job is a little more than just a junk shop. My boss will explain more, but it requires telling him your secret. Don't worry, I know you can trust him." Henry said as Ray walked in. Shelby and Cyd looked nervously at each other.

"So, Henry tells me that you two have something that could help us out around here?" Ray asked. The girls nervously nodded.

"Okay, what is it?"

"Wehavethepowertotimetravel!" Shelby blurted out so fast she wasn't even sure if what she just said was gibberish or not.

"I'm sorry, one more time?" Ray replied.

"We have the power to time travel." Shelby said again, slower this time. Ray looked at Henry, suprised. Henry nodded in confirmation.

"I saw it with my own eyes." He stated.

"Wow, really? So how long have you two had this power?" Ray asked.

"About three years. It happened with an experimental invention our friend Barry made. It zapped us after going through a beaker of our other friend Naldo's homemade hair gel and reflecting off a few mirrors and other reflective surfaces." Cyd explained, just as the rest of the group walked back in, overhearing what Cyd just said. Barry, Naldo, and Daisy looked shocked and worried, while Charlotte and Jasper just looked confused.

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