A/N (plz read)

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Art is not mine! Plz check out caw-chan on tumblr!

Alright, so I know no one likes author notes, but this is how I gotta start of this collection of oneshots. All of these will be written by me, unless stated otherwise. I do have some ideas based on those 'Imagine your otp' things, and I will show the pic I got inspiration from when necessary.

I am taking REQUESTS (only certain ships, tho I might submit to doing others, if enough people want them, or I think they are interesting. So, feel free to make suggestions for others.)

When making requests PLEASE include:

- The characters/ship involved (obvs)

- A basic plot/prompt/idea to work off of

Rules for requests:

- No smutty things

- No incest

- No abuse of any kind 

- No genderswaps, for I am too lazy

- Please understand that your request may not be exactly how you envisioned it. I am sorry if any of my writing is trash; please don't attack me for it.

- If I forgot anything, or there is a specific situation, I will just not do the request. Sorry.

Ships I enjoy writing:

- Lams (Hamilton/Laurens) (this one will probz be the majority of this)

- Mullete (Mulligan/Lafayette) (I think that's the name....)

- Jeffmads (Jefferson/Madison)

- Jamilton (Jefferson/Hamilton) (Only if suggested. I stan this ship)

- Will possibly do others if suggested :D

That's it for story info! Thank you for taking the time to read this, and enjoy the oneshots to come!

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