Floral Language (LAMS fluff)

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Prompt: person a owns a flower shop and person b storms in one day, slaps 20 bucks on the counter and says "How do you passive-aggressively say fuck you in flowers?"

John Laurens leaned against the counter of the shop, waiting for anyone to walk in. The store had been quite slow that day, and he was about to go insane if he had to stand there another minute.

He worked at a quaint little flower shop in a nook in the city. The walls were lined in greenery, while flowers of all kinds were weaved throughout the store. As much as he loved his job, it could get boring at times. Today was another one of those days, and he slumped face first onto the counter top.

Then he heard loud foot steps and snapped his head back up, standing up straight. A short man with shoulder-length hair came storming into the shop, then slamming a twenty dollar bill on the counter. He'd be lying if he said he didn't jump. John stared at him with what he hoped was a 'pissed off look' but probably looked a lot more bewildered. Just as John opened his mouth to greet the strange man, said man began speaking.

"How do you passive-aggressively say 'fuck you' in flowers?" The man asked, finally looking up into his eyes. He looked exhausted, and John took a bit of pity on the man. Even though he had made an odd request.

"Hmm..." Lauren's thought for a moment, glancing around the shop. "I'd suggest Orange Lillies, which quite literally stand for hatred. Maybe Geraniums for stupidity, and if you're going for really passive aggressive, Pink Floyd Roses seem pretty but the thorns are insanely sharp. Thistles have a prickly stem and could easily be used as filler." John made his way around the store, grabbing an example of each flower as he mentioned them.

Once he was back at the counter, the grumpy man in front of him raised an eyebrow, almost impressed.

"I'll take that," the man slapped another fifty dollars onto the counter. "How ever big a seventy dollar boquete is, I want it. I swear to god when I throw this into his face..." He began mumbling, and Lauren's just sort of glanced as him warily, before taking the money.

"And who should I put this order under?" John asked.

"Alexander Hamilton," Alex shot John a tired half smile. "Thank you for dealing with my strange request. But it is very necessary."

John's heart fluttered as Alex smiled; he was very attractive when he wasn't scowling. "It really is no problem Mr. Hamilton. Did you want a card?"

Hamilton's grin grew when he was reminded of the fact he could have a card. "Yes, if you don't mind..." he glanced at the name tag attached to Laurens' apron "John. I'd like it to say: 'Jefferson, I swear to God you fucking Virginian, if you think this is over; you are wrong. Sending my love, Hamilton'"

Scribbling down the words on a scrap of paper, John laughed lightly. No one wanted to be on Hamilton's bad side.

Then Alexander was talking again. "One more thing: If I were to, let's say, try to court someone, what would you suggest? What are the prettiest flowers you have in stock? In your opinion of course."

Lafayette, who was Johns coworker, perked up at that moment, sending a wink from across the store. He was currently helping the only other customer. Laurens blushed, although he hadn't really pieced together what was going on.

"Personally, I really enjoy deep red carnations, which stand for love and affection."

"I'll take one of those." The smile stayed plastered to Alexander's face as he spoke, distracting the man behind the counter. John couldn't help but stare.

"Any card?"

"Nah," Alex put ten dollars on the counter, and took the flower "Here you go, love." He winked and handed the flower back to John. "You want to maybe, grab a coffee or something after I demolish someone with flowers tomorrow?"

His whole face flushing pink, John just stared at Alex, holding the flower. He smiled slowly, nodding. "Id love to." Alex wrote his phone number on a card, before mouthing 'call me' and walking out the door.

Laurens stood there, just processing what happened, when Lafayette showed up next to him, flinging an arm around his shoulder.

"Someone's going on a date~" Lafayette teased. John responded by throwing an orange Lilly at his face and groaning.

"I hate you," John responded, with his face in his hands, and a small smile on his face. Lafayette only laughed and ruffled the others hair, looking at the note Alex had wanted in the bouquet.

"What the hell kind of person is he getting flowers for?"

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