Cutest Thing (LAMS fluff)

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Art once again by caw-chan on tumblr!

Wrote this at 11pm/12am while listening to the Newsies soundtrack.... It is literal crap, so enjoy! (I ended up workin on this for like a week. Fml, why do I do this to myself?)This based on the au that what you write on your skin shows up on your soulmate. They are also in college for this story! Since this is modern, King's College has now become Columbia University... so just a heads up!

::Third Person POV::

The early morning lecture had just began for Alexander Hamilton. It seemed the day had started just as lame as the others. His friend, Aaron Burr, sat next to him talking sweet nothings to his soulmate. Yep, Burr had already met the one person he was destined to be with. Although he wasn't quite talking, him and Theodosia wrote notes on their hands and arms to each other all the time. It was almost sickeningly adorable to Alexander. Hamilton, on the other hand, never seemed to be paying attention when his soulmate wrote things down. He stayed up all night most times, studying for exams. Just this semester he had signed up for an early morning class, which forced Alexander to actually awaken before noon. His soulmate, on the other hand, seemed to be up at all hours, but only wrote on himself in the mornings.

Small floral details began to sprawl across Alexander's left hand. Jumping slightly, Alexander saw the opportunity at hand. (AYEEEEE... sleep deprived me making puns ;3)

'Hey' Alex took his time writing, not wanting the person receiving the message to know of his atrocious handwriting.

John Laurens' eyes widened as a greeting appeared next to the bundle of doodles on his hand."Laff, Herc, look!" John excitedly grabbed the attention of his two friends, who were hanging at his apartment at the moment.

"Mon ami, this is your chance; you can meet the amour de votre vie like me and Hercy!" Lafayette ( I am not putting his full name in here. Tho I should write one where it uses his full name every time... >:D) exclaimed excitedly, pulling Hercules closer to him. Oh, right, John's best friends were soulmates. "Well, répondre."

'Hello' Laurens scrawled quickly, not wanting to make the other person, who he would soon learn was Hamilton, wait any longer.

'The name's Alexander. Alex 4 short. U?' In smaller script next to that, Alex wrote 'sorry, don't wanna take up 2 much of ur arm, so tryin 2 abbreviate.'

'John Laurens. I go by...John.'

'Lol, cute. The last name's Hamilton' Laurens blushed at the compliment, hiding his face in his hands while Lafayette and Mulligan 'awwed' in unision. 'Wanna meet up sometime?' Glancing back at his friends, John saw Hercules nodding, while Marquis (that feels weird) gave an enthusiastic thumbs up.

"He wants to meet up.... What do I say?" Laurens mumbled, meaning for it to be geared towards himself.

"Oui, idiot amoureux!" Lafayette said in encouragement, while also teasing John. (It didn't translate exactly::in google translate:: but whatevs.)

'Sure. Do you live near the University of Columbia?"

'Ya. I'm currently studying there.'

'Same. U kno the cafe right outside campus?'

'Meet there at 2'

'Sounds good'

'Also: love the doodles. Very Pretty' John's face flushed pink once again, setting his pen down on the coffee table ahead of him.

::Time Skip::

Alexander threw shirt after shirt onto the floor behind him. His roommate, Aaron, leaned against the door-frame, smirking. He cocked an eyebrow at the frantic boy.

"Aaron, what do I wear? You've met Theodosia before! What did you wear when you went to meet her?" Alexander continued tossing clothes around, sighing.

"I already knew her, remember? We found out very young; you know this," Burr explained. "We met like any normal people would, so just wear whatever you normally would."

"But what if John dresses up? Is he gonna wash the pen off his hand first? Should I do the same? What if he doesn't like me? Aaron help me!" Hamilton ran up to Burr, shaking his shoulders wildly.

"Calm down Alexander. It will be fine. Now, I'm going out with Thomas and James today; I got to go." Aaron left the room, leaving Alex to sprint around his room.

Basically having wasted all his time, Alexander threw on the first thing he could find. He rushed out the door, already being 5 minutes late.

Lauren's waved goodbye to Lafayette, who had ventured to the café with him.

"Bonne chance," Marquis responded, walking away. John tapped his foot impatiently, the anxiety slowly bubbling up as he waited for Alexander to arrive. About ten minutes had passed, when Alex came sprinting to the front of the café. His eyes quickly found the boy he had come to meet; they had the same writing on their hand.

"John Laurens?" Swiftly looking to see whom had spoken to him, he locked eyes with the frantic looking boy in front of him.

"Alexander Hamilton?" Laurens asked in response. Alex nodded, leading both of them inside.

"I am so sorry for being late! I will make it up to you somehow...." Hamilton rambled.

"It's fine. What do you want?" They ordered their drinks, taking a seat by the window. They talked about anything and everything as they sipped on their caffeinated beverages.

"So, what do we do now?" Alex said, cocking his head slightly.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, we are, uh, soulmates. I guess."

John giggled lightly before responding. "That is true. You're adorably awkward; what happened to Mr. Smooth-Hamilton when we were talking earlier?"

Alex's face flushes pink. "I'm still very smooth; thank you very much."

"Uh-huh. Sureeee. And about the whole 'soulmate' thing, right now I would love to call you my boyfriend."

"I think I'd like that too." Alex beams as the boy sitting across from them, intertwining their hands under the table.

"I think you should know one thing about me before we make it official."

"And what is that?"

"I really like turtles; I used to think they were the cutest things in the world."

"...used to?"

"Then I met you."

Hope people enjoy this! It could have been written better, but I tried.

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