Voltron Scatters

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The next few days after the party were calm. There wasn't much activity from the Galra Empire. The Paladins weren't needed to go on missions or defend the castle. They just had time to be themselves.

Lance and Pidge showed off the video game they got from the space mall, and Allura was immediately captivated with it. She begged to play and although she didn't understand the game completely, she was having fun.

Allura showed the others a similar Altean concept once they moved on. She said it was a way to get Altean children to learn to be light on their feet while having fun.

Lance called it "Space DDR."

After they were tired out, Hunk suggested dinner. He introduced Allura to the concept of pizza. Although she had her doubts about the flat disk with seemingly random ingredients sprinkled on, Allura took bite after bite until she finished half of the pizza.

Lance, Hunk, Pidge, and Allura made a large blanket fort that they eventually fell asleep in.

The next day was similar. The four of them enjoyed each other's company all day.

There was only one problem. Shiro was nowhere to be seen in all of this. He'd been in the control room scanning through transcripts and looking for evidence that Keith was still alive. Shiro took every piece of evidence that could in some way be related to Keith and linked them all together and discovered nothing except the date and coordinates of the next gladiator match.

Shiro called the other Paladins to the control room to announce what he had found. He also said that there was nothing they could do to stop him from going after the lead.

After a long silence, Allura said "I know I can't stop you. Take a pod and all the rations you need." She placed a hand on Shiro's arm. "We wish you luck."

Shiro's eyes widened in surprise, as if he didn't expect the conversation to go that well. "Thank you, Princess," he said, smiling. After a brief farewell, he left.

Later, Pidge was working on her computer when she found a strong lead on Matt. She excitedly showed the other Paladins, who shared in her excitement.

Not long after, Pidge set off in the Green Lion to find Matt.

Allura, Coran, Hunk, and Lance decided to make their way towards the Space Mall since there wasn't much to do but wait for the other two Paladins to come back.

While they were on their way, the Blade of Marmora requested a Paladin to help on one of their missions. Lance, who had been getting restless around the castle, volunteered and set off in the Red Lion.

Lance was sent to an unoccupied moon near a decent sized Galran Hub, where some Blades set up camp and would give him more information about the mission. He was happy to have something to do again.

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