Boredom is Stupid

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Once again, Lance found himself thanking Veronica for dragging him to drama club. There's no way he could fool Lotor for as long as he did otherwise.

Lotor stopped by often, and Lance was relieved to have something to occupy his mind. It was so boring in the cell, and there was no way to keep track of time. Lotor would see that relief and assume that Lance was starting to crack from isolation. Lance let him assume. Eventually Lotor decided he wanted to truly be face-to-face with Lance, so he unlocked the cell door and let himself in. Lance would have found it comforting if he didn't know that every move Lotor made was calculated.

Everything he told Lotor was something he had worried about, that way it was real. A kind of method acting. However, it didn't mean that Lance was still bothered by it to the extent that he made it seem.

"There's enough people who can form Voltron. They don't need me," Lance would say. He didn't mention that when he brought it up with someone who probably hated him, he was told to not worry. As it turned out, he didn't need to. In fact, Keith was willing to stay behind so Lance could pilot Red.

"I have nothing going for me," Lance said, "I'm just the sharpshooter, and I had to give myself that nickname." Lance said nothing about how hard he trained to ensure that he rarely missed, or that others have recognized his skill.

Sure Lance had insecurities. Sure he doubted himself more often than not. However, the act he put on for Lotor was so exaggerated that it was oddly therapeutic, in a way. Lance saw how false his anxieties were. It was a bonus. Lotor thought that Lance was collapsing in self hatred, when in reality, Lance was feeling more secure than he'd been in a long time. Especially since he knew that Keith was alive and that he'd be searching for him. Keith had never been one to give up.

Lotor gave Lance a look of pity and tenderness. "If only they could know of your value as I do, Blue," Lotor said softly. He brushed Lance's bangs out of his face and let his hand rest, cupping Lance's cheek. Lance closed his eyes and leaned into Lotor's hand.

Lotor smiled with the guise of fondness. He leaned forward to put his lips right up to Lance's ear and Lance inhaled sharply. "I must go," Lotor whispered, " but I'll be back soon." He took his hand away and moved out of the cell.

He didn't lock the door.

Lance waited a few minutes to make sure that Lotor was gone before releasing the breath he didn't realize he was holding. He went to the door to see if it was actually unlocked. Sure enough, it opened with hardly any effort. Alright, Lance thought, Lotor either trusts me enough to stay here or he doesn't care if I leave.

Lance decided he would stay. He didn't know what was waiting for him beyond the hall. Staying would be safer, and he might get some pity points. He didn't know how long it would be before Keith would come, so the longer he could convince Lotor he was submissive, the better.

Now, with nothing to do but wait again, Lance curled up in the farthest corner from the door and fell asleep.

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