Week 1 Day 7

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Hey guys this chapter is going to be from James point of view

"ever made a decision before knowing the consequences and how it will affect someone else, how it feels to hurt someone you love "


I left Keisha place with unease yesterday I had tried calling any of the guys to confirm my thoughts.

I had to be sure Keisha wasn't the girl we made a bet on usually I won't have been bothered, but on meeting her I knew she didn't deserve it she didn't deserve to be hurt and abused that way.

"hey I knew I'll find you guys here" I said finally finding them. The guys usually hung out at the abandoned street which is now revered to a gang street this is were a lot of our street race was held.

"what's up" I heard Kendrick leaning of his motorcycle

"what's the name of the girl your betting on" I said harshly walking towards them

"what you mean" I heard Kendrick say

"you know what I mean the girl you betting on is it Keisha" I said getting more angry by the minute

"Yeah the saint she was just the perfect target" I heard Tanner say laughing

"perfect target that an innocent victim you can't do that to her" I said shouting trying not to punch Tanner in the face

"come on dude chill you were in on the bet a week ago" I heard Andre say obviously trying to clam me down

"I'm out I'm not doing this stupid game with you guys anymore you keep using girls for fun" I shouted

"what's gotten into you dude" I heard Kendrick say which officially made me loose it

"what's gotten into me is you guys I got to meet Keisha I hung out with her she's an amazing person and how can you still hang out with her and not see that" I said clenching my fist

"dude don't tell me your falling in love with my girl" and with those words I officially lost it

"YOUR GIRL, YOUR GIRL REALLY YOU MEAN YOUR OBJECT " before I could hold myself I punched Kendrick in the guts before I was attacked by the rest of the guys and knocked to the ground

"James get a hold of yourself and whatever you've got with this girl" I heard Tanner say

"count me out of your bet and Kendrick it's official your never going to change if you can hangout with a girl as awesome as Keisha and still proceed with this stupid dare, I'm guessing you never learn" and with that I left their presence I knew I'd lost my best friends but I could keep doing this I've hurt a dozen girls in the past, used thousands, we all did but after the last time I decided to change this semester.

I and the guys had just started first semester we were all about clubs, parties, drinking, girls, we basically bragged about who had the highest number of hook ups we saw girls as objects. Till I met Amber she was new I'm guessing she might have been a transfer, she was a beautiful red head, with green eyes like mine and pale white skin. Kendrick and I made it a competition who will get her in their bed first she fell for Kendrick and Kendrick kept her a little longer than he kept most girls, I was in love with Amber well so I thought. I remember coming over to see Kendrick to hang out at his place when I saw her I drank too much so did Kendrick I remember Kendrick getting physical with Amber, I remember the anger and frustration I got Kendrick noticed that.

"wanna have her for the night" I heard Kendrick say getting go of Amber who seemed scared

"baby you don't mean that'' Amber said a sounding bit scared

"sure I do you mean nothing " I remember the pain in Amber's eyes by his words I remember my jealousy I remember my lack of control I had raped her that night, and so did Kendrick after, by morning we had both recovered from the alcohol when noticed what we both had done we rushed Amber to the hospital and had her treated Kendrick had threaten Amber never to say a word about that night, he had offered her Money to but she refused.

A few days in the hospital we got a call saying Amber's case was critical, she was going mentally ill she was in a constant state of depression and had tried to kill herself they had checked her into an asylum for her to recover, I could never forget that day Amber screaming at the top of her lungs trying to escape as they had wrapped her in protective gear to prevent her from injuring herself, her parents crying as the watched their daughter being treated like a mad person. I general turned a new leaf since then well I never involved myself in those games anymore well I tried not to Kendrick on the other hand didn't. And on meeting Keisha I had remembered why I tried to stop in the first place.

I had tried to apologize to Amber I had visited her in the asylum a couple of times she usually sat still like a statue speechless, the doctors said that's how she had been since she had been brought. I couldn't forgive myself for what I had done to her but I can as well not let it happen to anyone else it's the least I could do. But I couldn't tell Keisha about the bet it wasn't the best approach I just had to find out another way.

"hey Lone Wolf" I heard a familiar voice which snapped me out of my thoughts I looked up to see Keisha with her beauty smile which were complimented by her grey eyes

"hey what you doing here" I said walking up to her

"I should be asking you, your the one drifting off into oblivion" she was right

"I'm on my way home I'm just coming from my girl friends place"

"bisexual or gay I see" I said with a smirk on which made her laugh

"not really my best friend actually don't be jealous" she said punching me on the shoulder.

"I'll walk you home" I said smiling at her

"you don't have to"

"but I want to" and with that she nodded we walked towards her apartment making a few small talk on the way.

What do you guys think of James let me know in the comments

Hope you love this chapter please don't forget to vote and comment and share show me some love I love you guys thank you

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