Week 2 Day 3

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"the past is just a vision of time lost, the present is a vision of the future and the future is a vision of what you built in the past"

Hey guys like I had done a pic for James this is going to be from Kendrick's point of view


"morning Saint" I had woken up a little bit earlier than I normally would after the night with Keisha I thought I'd make her morning a little bit better by making breakfast

"that's not my name" she says getting up from the couch heading over to the counter her bed hair look horrible her eyes were still swollen from her crying yesterday.

"are you okay''I said remembering the image of her screaming last night she seemed to be in so much pain it brought back memories I choose never to remember, rather than answer me she nodded vehemently

"is it always like that?"

"yeah for a couple months now" how could she go though such an experience alone after a glimpse of yesterday I could only imagine how it would have been if I weren't here

"you kept reciting something what was it" honestly I didn't know I'd heard my mum recite it a couple of times but I never really knew what it was

"it's the Lord's prayer I say it whenever I'm nervous, you recited a some lines too" she gave me a confused expression which seem to ask how don't you know what it is

"my mum usually recited it when I was little I never knew exactly what it was I rarely know every word"

"what were you dreaming out" from her expression I knew she didn't want to talk about it as much as I wanted to know I couldn't make her relive it.

"it's okay you don't have to tell me" I said as I moved closer to lift her head up with my finger as I stared into her eyes the seemed cold and lifeless filed with pain I wonder what could have happened to leave like this, her eyes brought flashbacks of my past I refused to remember.

"I gotta go I'll see you around Saint" I moved closer to her wrapping my arms around her waist

"your not going to try and kiss me are you" I heard her say looking at me with an expression I couldn't explain

"not if you want me too" I said with a smirk

"nope I'm good" yup that's that the only girl I couldn't get so easily what was her deal anyway

"your such a Saint " I said before leaving her

I had arrived at the asylum a couple of hours after I left Keisha place I headed home cleaned up before coming, I had visited the asylum regularly as odd as it sounded.

"hey mum" I said turning to see my mum sitting by the Conner of her room, my mum had been in the asylum for awhile now, I'd visited whenever I could no one knows about it and that's how I planned on keeping it

"Kenny is that you" I nodded she had given me the Nickname Kenny after I had thrown a tantrum about a kid having the type of my name at age two I was such a pussy back then

"Kenny I want to get out of here please take me home I want to see Bella" I stopped talking once she noticed the expression on my face I had destroyed her life she's here cause of me and there's nothing I can do

"Kenny what's wrong" even in here state she could always tell when something was up

"nothing mum it's been forever since I saw you I missed you"

"thank you Kenny you've been busy, how's your father"

"how can you even ask about him mum"

"he is my husband"

"mum he doesn't deserve you he doesn't deserve a family he deserves to be rotting in hell"

"no Kenny"

"no mum you listen" before I could talk the doctor ran inside the room

"Kendrick you can't do that she's trying to recover you'll just destroy her progress" what progress she's been here for years and she couldn't put to things together I left her and the doctor barging out of the room.

"hey Amber" I had seen her over by the window I hadn't seen I awhile I had seen her maybe once or twice when I was around visiting my mum, as much as I hated to admit it she was here cause of me.

"hey'' usually she never uttered a word to me she'd sit still and I spoke I never apologized for what I did I guess I knew my apology won't make up for what I did so I never bothered

"I guess your here to threaten me cause I'm to be realised in a few weeks it's okay I promise not to tell anyone"

"Amber I didn't know you were being realised" honestly I never paid attention to what happened to her I tried to forget everything related to this story

"I'm just telling you" "do what hurts more than what you did to me, is being called a liar by everyone even my family, they never visited the practically abandoned me I was seen as the girl who got too drunk let herself get used" she sat there talking staring outside the window as I said nothing

"I can never forgive for what you did to me Kendrick I don't hate you but I'd never forgive you" I nodded at her words

"I'll give you the money you need to start over I'll get you a place"

"I don't want anything from you Kendrick cause nothing from you is honest neither is it good, your offer doesn't make you good your what you are a destructive manipulative ego manic snake that destroys everything you touch" I am and the is nothing I could do


Sorry if this chapter is a little bit too short but it opens up more stories and secrets in chapter's ahead

Please don't forget to vote and comment and share show me some love and I love you guys thank you xoxo

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