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Heroes and Villains.

Just who or what are they?

Heroes are those gifted with strength, intelligence, courage, loyalty and looks

While villains are the opposite of the heroes; cruel, wicked, sinister, backstabbing, but are also strong and intelligent

But is that what we all think of Heroes and Villains?

People of fame and notability, Known through history, stories, books, poems, ballets, songs and documents

From Kings and Queens like Arturia and Semiramis, to great and elaborate composers like Mozart or Bach.

From Well renowned generals like Iskander, to Murderers like Jack the Ripper

It is their names, and many others that makes them well known and renown throughout time

But what about all the other heroes and villains?

Of unspoken legends and stories?

Those of lesser reputation? Of less well-known backgrounds? Their names only mentioned once, twice or a few times in history

Like the Beast of Bedburg? The Shepherd boy of the Children's Crusade? The man who fought with a bow in a world at war?

Why aren't they recognised and remembered like their counterparts? Why are they left forgotten? Disregarded by humanity in favour of those of even more strength and reputation

Don't they too have a story to tell? Of their life, deeds and wishes? Of their views on the world? Of what they did and why?

Sadly, their stories, ballads, poems and songs shall never be heard; Their stories show no interest to humanity as a whole

And so they are left to be forgotten, disregarded without a second thought

Their stories, lives and deeds left unknown...

Until now...

Just wanted to set the mood. Next Chapter is gonna be a long one, I assure you all on this.

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