Author's Note (Important)

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Gua gatau mau ngomong apa tapi gua merasa FF chat ini udah di plagiat. Mulai dari cast sampe covernya juga mirip. Gua cuma mau ngingetin ya, gua bukan author pemes gua tau itu. Tapi, setiducknya hargain lah usaha gua bikin orang ketawa baca cerita ini.

Fucktanya bikin sesuatu jadi lucu itu gak gampang ukhti, jadi kalo mau plagiat pinteran dikit lah ukhti. Masa iya plagiat sampe cast nya. Terus gua kayak lihat ada satu punchline gua deh yang ikut ke copas. Oops apa gua salah liat ya? Oh iya gua baru nyadar kalo mata gua rabun. Tapi se rabun rabunnya gua, gua masih bisa bedain sesuatu yang orisinil sama yang tiruan. Selalu di ingetin ya, nyuri konsep itu nggak baik.

Concept means everything for me, everything start by a concept. So make sure that you had your own concept MY FANS !!!

I think I have no reason to keep on writing this story again because my concept had been stolen. But maybe I will write a new story about 'KARD chat' after this problem solved.

To the one who stole my concept, this time I'll let you go if you admit your mistake. But if you won't, I will leave a comment on your story and tell all your readers about this problem so they will realize that you are a plagiarist. So let's make a decision. Thanks a lot.

K.A.R.D ChatTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang