Hunted by the unknown

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chapter 1

Sadness creep my heart to see him gone, its a painful memory which I would never forget. I cuddled my pillow tight as I lay on my bed, I tried to force myself to sleep but I couldn't the burden was so much for me to bear. I could see his bright blue eyes pleading for me to save him but I couldn't the man was so strong for me I was weak and fragile, I couldn't stand him, the evil in him was so strong, "I sighed". I could not take away the bitterness that lingered inside my heart, he took what was precious away from me, "he destoryed my life and made me suffer", first he took my beloved parent and then my little brother, I felt the tears on my face, the painful thing was am never going to see them again they are gone for ever, I don't know if there was any tears left in my eyes. I stood up trying to find something to distract my thought before I lost my mind, I made myself a hot coffee to help me relax I took out my favorite novel to read as I sat near the fire wall because the weather was so cold and it was pouring heavily outside, reading makes me calm, I have love for books it an addiction I can't control. when I was little my mum love to read for me at night and anytime I was sad. "Oh my sweet mother how I miss you so much, why do they have to take you away from me", I whispered in my mind.

Suddenly the electricity went off, the thunder stricked angrily, the rain increased, it splash on the roof harder. fear took over my body, I stood up quickly to light the candles but I could not find them, "I remembered I left them inside the kitchen", i said to myself. the windows opened, the curtains were flying, all my books were scattered on the floor. I left what I was doing to close the windows, to my greatest surprise he was standing outside ready to attack his prey, He was the man that took away my family and every thing i have loved, his eyes were dark red full of anger and hatred, water dripping form every part of his body. he looked at me with coldness, i felt my body numb from the shocked, my mind was blank it was as if my soul was forced out from my body. My brain could not function well, i stood there like a statue staring at him. it took forever for my mind to register what is really happening, I quickly closed all the windows and doors, I hide behind the curtains my heart pounding furiously against my chest, I know he was here for me "I could not die like these, please God help me". I prayed silently

I heard footsteps getting closer, my breathing was harsh, I tried to find a weapon to defend myself, I saw my dad's knife he gave it to me the night he died this was the only thing I have left of my family every other things were burnt. I took the knife on the table I always keep it close incase of any emergency, the room was cold dark the only source of light was the lighting, I could see my door cracking open my blood speed up I wish I could escape from all these but I was doom. I could see him fully his eyes were dark red, he has a hat on his head and his clothes were pure black, all over him smelled evil. I brought my knife forward ready to defend myself.

"Stay away from me", my voice tremble, I tried to be bold but I failed.

he laughed!

"You are too weak, I can smell it stop trying to be a brave girl", he mocked, he kept moving forward.

"I mean it, I would hurt you with these knife if you come any closer", my hand were vibrating, my body felt weak I was marveled because the knife i held so tight like if my life depend on it fell of my hand I was so frustrated, i felt helpless. I know he was doing all that, he walked closer to me and grab my hair roughly. I screamed in pains.

"Please your hurting me", I cried. he fell deaf to my pleading, the more I scream the more is hold became tighter.

"I would make sure you suffer, you will never be happy, everyone you love would die just as your family did, I would make sure of that", he whisper to my ear.

His breath smells rotten, all the hair in my neck stood up. I prayed silently for someone to save me but my prayers were not heard.

His cold hand touched my face, he used his long black fingers to scratch my chest, I screamed loud I kept screaming I don't care if he was pissed off or do I care if he was hitting my head hard on the wall all I cared was someone to rescue me from these demon. But no one was there to save me, I was covered in my own blood, I kept crying and screaming and pleading till I lose consciousness.

note: please this is my new story, if you love it and want me to continue uploading, please comment. I need inspiration to continue writing, I know there are grammars and punctuation errors. I would do my best to edit it, am not a perfect writer but I would try to do my best. Thanks to all my wonderful readers.

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