Keith's point of view

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   I was walking through a forest. The trees were dying yet stood tall and strong. They towered over me as if they were giants. It was night and there was mist so I could hardly see two feet in front of me. I could sense something in the back of my mind telling me to run. When I would ask what I was running from, the voices would go silent for a moment but would quickly resume their hushed pleads. All I could feel was a strong desire to get them to stop. So I decided to run. As I ran I could begin to see a dark red. The voices willed me faster and became louder. I just wanted it to stop. The faster I ran the more the world blurred past. I was running out of breath and I had to stop. I bent over and my head became fuzzy and I couldn't see. The voices stopped and I realized how quiet everything really was. I was kind of annoying. The way it mocked me. Did it mock me? How could it? It was silence. I was suddenly very sleepy. I could understand it I guess. The mental and physical tiredness was too much to handle. I just needed to sleep. I lay against the tree and just as I'm about to fall asleep, I wake up.
   I'm in my room, my real room. It's dark out and everything hurts.
   "Why?" I ask aloud, but there is no one to answer my question.

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