Shiro's Point of View

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   I leave Keith's room, my arm around Allura's shoulder. Her breaths are rapid and shallow. I stop us in the hall turning to stand so she is in front of me.

   "Allura, he needs your support. I know that you know that. But why aren't you giving it to him?" I want her to see that I'm not mad at her. I don't want to put her through that pressure.

   "Alfor..." she manages to say in a quiet, broken whisper.

   "Your father?" she subtly nods and I have to make sure that it wasn't my imagination. "What about him?" It seemed painful for her to talk about. I don't want to press the subject, but I couldn't stop the words from spilling out of my mouth. She takes a deep breath before answering me.

   "He-he was hurt... by...a-a-a man. I don't want that... to happ- to happen to Keith..." Her voice is shaky and I pull her body towards me as she begins to cry on my chest.

   "Hey, look, it will be okay. Every relationship has their ups and downs." I laugh awkwardly, "Even we have our ups and downs and we're just friends."  I get the feeling I said something wrong when Allura, who had been agreeing with me, suddenly looked away. Silence follows and Allura pulls herself from my arms, I shiver, now cold at the loss of warmth. She wipes tears from her eyes and the professional air she once held is back again.

   "Yes. Of course. I trust that he will make the right decision. He is a young man, after all. I should go apologize." And just like that I'm left alone, dumbfounded. I stare at the ground trying to comprehend what had happened. Whatever. I'll find out later. I head off to go find Hunk. All this thinking has made me hungry.


Why? Why did he have to go and say something like that? Does he know I like him? Anyways, that's not important, at least he doesn't seem like he does. Keith is what's important right now. I acted to harshly and I fear that I've upset him. I walk into his room. 

"Hey, Keith, I- oh," The lights were off and Keith had fallen asleep, his raven hair spread lightly across his face. Something I had not noticed before was the pastel fairy lights hanging above his room, The bright colors contrast the rest of his room beautifully. I don't want to disturb him so i leave him a note. 

   It says: Dear Keith, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to act the way I did. You see, I was afraid that you would get hurt. I didn't realize that no matter who you love, there is always the chance someone will hurt you. I hope you never find out if what I said is true or not. I believe you will have a good life, no matter what. So, my dear, Keith, I finish the note with one last thing: I love you, and i will always love you. You're an amazing person and I know that whoever you love will be an amazing person too. I never want you to feel like you don't belong. The paladins will praise your bravery as I do now, whenever, and however, you choose to tell them. Goodbye, my boy.

   I leave the room, a smile on my face, hoping that Keith will understand. I know he's strong. Probably stronger than anyone else I know.

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