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(Chapter one)
Song Of The Chapter| Game Of Survival.

"Once upon a time I was sweet and innocent,
Then shit happened."

Fallon Martin the cousin of Lydia Martin, while he was fourteen he started experiencing sexual attraction towards other guys

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Fallon Martin the cousin of Lydia Martin, while he was fourteen he started experiencing sexual attraction towards other guys.

He soon Developed a cute love affair with a fellow student until his father found out, he was shunned by both parents being largely religious.

Eventually his parents couldn't stand to look at their son who in their eyes committed a sin, Disgusted by her sisters reaction Natalie Martin took in the young boy and raised him along With Lydia.

His parents harsh treatment caused mental trauma, Natalie being a teacher home schooled the boy while Lydia continued to attend school.

Eventually Fallon was willing to try and attend school, Lydia made sure no one picked on him and kept his sexuality as a secret fearing people would use it against him.

Lydia being caught up in werewolf drama dragged Fallon into the fold also having to deal with An angry peter, Kanima Jackson and a Nogitsune Stiles.

Unbeknownst to Lydia or Natalie, Fallon had developed Bipolar disorder, the boy struggled so much with manic mood swings it wasn't until the werecoyote Malia pointed out his chemo smell was at a constant fluctuation.

The pair Grew quite close and confided in one another, Malia admitting her attraction toward the young Fox.

╰☆╮~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ╰☆╮

The weather outside was miserable, rainfall was heavy, Fallon slept peacefully in his bed until a Familiar red head awoke the slumbering giant

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The weather outside was miserable, rainfall was heavy, Fallon slept peacefully in his bed until a Familiar red head awoke the slumbering giant.

"Time to get up sleepy head, don't want to be late for your first day do we?" Lydia said while neatly fixing her hair.

Leave it to Lydia to be dressed and looking like a supermodel at seven o'clock. "Five more minutes" the teen groaned.

Lydia however wasn't having it, she peeled back the Curtins revealing the terrible weather, "huh. It was supposed to be sunny today" she closed the Curtins just as swiftly.

"Okay but seriously get up now" her high heels clicking on the floor as she dragged her feet toward his bed, "Okay fine I'm up" he sprang from his bed as soon as he saw what Lydia was holding.

"Never thought smelling salt could be so useful" he smiled triumphantly before leaving the teen to get dressed, 'god have mercy' he thought before hoping in the shower.

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Lydia and Fallon arrived at beacon hills high school, "are you ready for your first proper day of school in years?!" She was grinning like crazy way to enthusiastic for school on a Monday morning.

"And I thought I was the one with bipolar." He muttered before exiting the car along with Lydia, the one thing he was not prepared for was the swarm of students buzzing about their lockers.

All time seemed to stop as everyone turned to look at Lydia the former 'town whack-job', she smiled before waking the hallways heels clicking on the hard floor. She was hot and she knows it.

Everyone's eyes continued on Lydia until they seemingly snapped back toward Fallon, an overwhelming urge to puke has risen within him due to the intense stairs.

Catching up with Lydia wasn't hard but seeing stiles wave his hands about manically was truly scary, seriously he could poke an eye out.

As he approached the teens Kira smiled at him while Malia waved, "hey whatcha think of the school?" Kira wasn't particularly involved in Scott and Stiles conversation so Why not start a new one.

"You know I've been in here before right?", "yeah but not with loads of students" Malia said sarcastically, he rolled his eyes at you coyote but cracked a smile non the less.

"Scott I'm telling you, that new kid from devorn-Prep is good. Like really good at lacrosse." Scott didn't seem to budge on his facial expressions but continued to enlighten Stiles.

"Relax. I'm sure he's not that good, plus there's only one of him." He smiled while his lopsided jaw was prominent. "Actually two." Lydia cut in making both boys turn to her.

"Ones called Liam, the other is Brett, both really good at lacrosse, both from devorn-Prep. She chuckled "good luck guys, you'll need it" after that she walked away, Stiles jaw hung open.

"We are so screwed". He gulped before also walking away, the bell rang so most students began charging into one Another trying to navigate the confusing halls.

Scott and Malia suddenly pulled back sniffing the air. "What's wrong?" Fallon asked, both teens continued sniffing until their eyes shifted for a second.

"There's another werewolf here"

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