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(Chapter Six)
Aren't We All A Little Crazy
Song Of The Chapter| Emperors New Clothes

"The truth may hurt a little, but a lie will hurt forever."

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Fallon refused to leave Brett's side escorting him all the way to Deaton's animal clinic. brett began convulsing with yellow foam seeping out of his mouth.

"What's happening to him?" Fallon asked while moving out the way so Derek and stiles could hold him down. "He's been poisoned by a rare wolfsbane, now you have to hold his still while I make an incision."

Deaton moved round the table getting better access to Brett. "Derek how about a little werewolf strength." Stiles said sarcastically.

"I'm not the only one here with werewolf strength." He said sternly. "If you don't hold him still the Incision could kill him." Hearing those words caused Fallon to have a full blown anxiety attack.

He curled into a corner hugging his knees trying to get his breathing under control. " i think he's slipping, I don't think I can hold him." Brett began to convulse so much that he began to slide off the table.

"Fallon!, a little help.?" Stiles whined. Fallon looked up seeing them struggle to hold Brett down. He moved from his spot on the floor still trying to get his breathing under control.

He stood over Brett looking into his eyes, seeing Fallon tipped Brett over the edge breaking free of the hold. He got off the table limping looking for a place to run.

He turned round only to be sucker punched by peter, Brett fell to the floor unconscious with more yellow foam seeping out of his mouth. "I guess I still have a little werewolf strength myself." He said smugly while looking at Derek.

"Yeah maybe more then a little." He responded looking concerned at peter, peter smugly smiled at Derek noticing a claw mark on his arm made from Brett.

Derek wasn't using werewolf strength because he didn't have any werewolf strength to begin with, "Hey doc I don't think he's breathing." Stiles said worried. Fallon looked down at Brett feeling another anxiety attack wash over him.

"Wow kid. You reak Of anxiety.", Fallon looked up at peter who tried to mock him. "And you still smell like ash. What's your point?". Peters smirk soon dropped at the comeback.

Deaton leaned down to check Brett's breathing, he took the scalpel to his bare flesh making a small cut, Brett started to breath again but it looked painful.

Soon enough yellow gas flew out from his wound, "Is he Okay?" Fallon asked. "I think he'll be fine, he'll just be out for a couple of hours." Physically Fallon relaxed Falling onto the floor to catch his breath.

"Guys do you hear that? He's muttering something." Deaton got closer to Brett's mouth hearing the wolf say weakly "The sun. The moon. The truth." Deaton sat up looking at no one in particular.

"Three things cannot long be hidden, The sun. The moon. And the truth." He looked at Derek. "It's Buddhist." Derek turned to peter, peter looked back at Derek only seemly to have a flashback of something.

He nodded his head before speaking up.


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Fallon had tagged along with Stiles and Lydia at the sheriffs police station, "your dad will be out in a minute." Parish said pointing to the sheriffs door.

"Actually we want to talk to you." Lydia said making parish look confused, she handed him the deadpool list with his name on it.

"This is a hit-list?" "We call it a deadpool" Stiles said, "recognise any of those names?" Parish nodded while looking at the list.

Lydia flipped over the list showing his name with a letter five beside it, he stood up shocked by it. "Okay that's kind of terrifying. What's the number beside it.?"

"That's how much you're worth." Fallon spoke up, "I'm worth five dollars?" He seemed really offended to be such a low price, "five million actually." Stiles corrected.

"I only make forty thousand a year, maybe I should kill myself. He said while looking back down at his name.

"Why am I on this?" Stiles and Lydia began to speak with parish while Fallon just zoned out wondering if Brett's Okay.

He was snapped back to reality when the deputy opened the door ushering the teens out.

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Fallon, Lydia, Stiles and parish all arrived at Eichen House, one of the orderlies began to open the door until the boss came.

"What do you think you're doing? I told you not to open the door to anyone with a badge." The man snatched the Keyes and bean to yell at Stiles.

Eventually they got the keys off the man and entered the room, "she's creepy." Said Fallon seeing Meredith Walker, the other banshee.

They sat down on the opposite side of Meredith and began asking for the cypher key. Fallon however instead of paying attention was looking at his phone waiting for a certain someone to text him.

He looked up seeing Meredith looking scared, "who doesn't want you to give us the third key?." Lydia asked.

Meredith shook her head some more before answering,

"The benefactor"

At the mention of that name Fallon put his phone away and began to pay actual attention to the conversation. Meredith shook her head to the side refusing to give the name of the benefactor.

"I can't I can't help anymore." She began panicking tears forming in her eyes. "Meredith a lot of people are going to die if you don't help!".

Lydia only seemed to Make things worse as Meredith seemed to be on the verge of a full blown panic attack. She screamed as loud as she could " I don't know!".

Everyone winced In pain at The banshee scream Lydia and Fallon both holding their ears. She curled up on the bed holding her knees shake her head.

Fallon looked at Lydia seeing blood drip from her ears down the side of her cheek. He then brought a finger up to his ear also feeling blood. Both Lydia and Fallon looked at the at the banshee in shock.

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Lydia, Stiles and Fallon all sat inside Stiles room trying to figure out the last cypher key, "the only other banshee I've met and I drove her over the edge." Lydia said while running her hands through her silky hair.

"The Keyes were the name of the dead right?, banshees predict death." Lydia looked at stiles shocked before turning back to the computer.

She closed her eyes allowing her banshee senses to take over, one by one a key was tapped until a name was in the box. 'Derek'.

She pressed enter and the third and final piece of the deadpool was revealed, "call parish, someone call parish." She said looking at the name 'Meredith Walker'.

"What do you mean?" Lydia looked confused and saddened by the conversation she was having with Parish. "Lydia I'm sorry she's gone, Meredith hung herself an hour ago".

Lydia looked round at stiles and Fallon her mouth open from shock,

"Meredith's dead."

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