Humanity's greatest power is the power of higher thought. With this high thought we are able to create and destroy. Through history this is seen frequently. Yet, we destroy more than we create. We destroy relationships, we destroy peace, we destroy people. We destroy a group of people's reputation based on stereotype. Why?
We can't fix society or change the world, because we can't eliminate those who want to destroy. Those with morals will not go as far as to eliminate those without, and those without will. The reason good and evil is in constant flux is because evil eliminates itself, and good is eliminated by evil. Good may win battles, but evil wins wars. Why? Why are people so adamant to destroy? What makes them so evil?
Saving society, how can save something that's broken? How can fix something that was meant to fail?
Hope. Believing that things get better, against all logic. Hope, when we see the small moments of love and kindness. When we're with people we love. Hope, the thing that keeps us going in the face of adversity. Hope is illogical and improbable because without hope what is the purpose. You live, and you die and many of us won't be remembered by anyone, but our loved ones.
But the hope, the hope of making a difference, being remember, being on the side of good, and change the world, no matter how improbable pushes us forward. We're unable to change those who want to destroy, we're unable to grant true and everlasting peace, but the hope that we can survive and evolve can push us forward. The ability of higher thinking allows us to create and hopefully we can create more than what's destroyed and if we destroy. We should destroy barriers, stereotypes, and anything that separates us.
Sorry that's just what's on my mind.