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well, it's been over a year since i published anything on this account. it's been so long that i'd actually forgotten my password. can you believe it? this account used to mean the world to me, and now i had to have wattpad support tell me how to access it. 

in this past year, i've grown a lot, both as a person and as a writer. that's not to say that anything i wrote before now was bad; on the contrary, as i look back and reread some passages both here and in feels like summer, slightly super, and kiddo, i can see parts that are good, that i'm proud of. i don't regret any of the work i published on here, but i've decided not to update it any further (sorry to break any hearts). i think there's something beautiful about leaving things unfinished. i'm not in the mindset i was back when i wrote this story, or any of my others. this story, this account, was a wonderful part of my life, but i think it's okay that it's over. sometimes, things end! to pretend anything else would be insincere.

so i'm signing off, officially, over a year past when i said i was going on hiatus. i can't express to you how grateful i am to have experienced this period of my life. i know this won't reach many of my original readers (before writing this, i went back and reread every single comment on this book, and many came from accounts that have since been deleted) but i am hopeful that it will reach at least a few. 

i am honored that this story meant so much to so many people, and that you found it relatable and moving and engaging. that's all i could have hoped for when i began it. this scrappy little story, the start of which i wrote mid panic-attack, spread out larger and farther than i could have imagined. 18k reads may not be a lot by some standards, but it's the world to me, and for that, i am eternally grateful. 



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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2017 ⏰

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