06; finding jasper.

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2. Earth Skills [Part 3]

Monty was up on the second level of the drop ship when Octavia was locked up there by Atom. It was then that she offered her wristband up for his little experiment on trying to contact the Ark. He needed a volunteer - that volunteer offering their wristband up and with his knowledge he knew that if he kept it all intact during and after taking it off, he would be able to reach the Ark somehow. If he connected it with the communications in the wall of the drop ship and get it to the right frequency, it could be possible.

With all of that in mind, he still thought of Jasper. He wanted to go help find him, but Clarke said no. Even though he barely knows her, he knows that she must be all right. If she wasn't then she would be pulling the crap that Bellamy was pulling. Then again, Monty still doesn't know the full story about the wristbands. But, he did know that it was a key for communicating with the Ark. Which was a big reason why they were being taken off in the first place.

He now was gripping onto Octavia's wrist in his hand - the one with the silver band. He held a tool in his other tilting it towards the screws on the wristband and started to unscrew the screws that was holding it tightly around her wrist.

The girl in front of him narrowed her eyes. "I don't get you two - Jasper and you, he's not your brother is he? I mean, there's no way, then you'd be Quinn's brother too." She paused thinking about it and widened her eyes. "It must be weird for you seeing two of your best friends end up being siblings."

Monty continued working on the wristband, but paused in his work to glance up at her. "You know, I'll be honest it came as a shock, but now that its out in the open I can see it. Its their eyes and in a way how they handle themselves, quite frankly how they present themselves." Octavia narrowed her eyes in confusion. "Whatever, and anyways; Jasper may not be my real brother, but he's always been there. Every memory I have, there's Jasper."

He returned back to working on her wristband, and mostly shook his head as his hands worked furiously at the latch, his frustration kicking in. "And Quinn was just there. Kind of like Jasper, though I met her because I would see her in the lab a lot of the times. Then she just seemed to vanish. Seeing her here and alive? It tripped me up a lot, and quite honestly I still don't get how she is."

Ignoring Octavia's blatant stare, he sighed. "I should be out there."

"You're not gonna cry, are you?" Octavia asked, looking up from the wristband to him in concern and cautioned for any sign of reaction from him.

"Shut up." Monty rolled his eyes, earning a laugh from her; he joined in a second later. He lowered his smile after a while, and shook his head finished up with the outer screws. The next part wasn't going to be easy. He knew that, he knew the technology and there was exactly three punctures that were going to be there embedded in the skin. Taking out the screws was not a problem, but removing the wristband and the punctures from within the skin was going to be painful.

He glanced up at her aware of the pain about to happen, and was still hesitant. "You sure about this? Your brother won't approve of you helping us contact the Ark."

"He's not my keeper." Octavia snapped with a roll of her eyes. She rolled her shoulders back and nodded, "Let's just do this."

With confirmation from her, he gripped a knife in his hand and started to push it between the wristband and her skin; his wrist tilted as he pushed up on the wristband to get the punctures removed.

It felt like her skin was on fire, and was stretching like there was no tomorrow. She flinched, cringing in pain. "OW! Son of a -"

"Sorry." Monty apologized as the wristband was popped off all together. He ignored her as she rubbed her now bare wrist in that was red in pain; his whole attention now on the wristband that was opened in his hands. In the center of the inside of the band were the three puncture needles, and the lights indicating life was on for only a split second before they flickered off.

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