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The morning sun hit both of our faces making us groan in annoyance. "Turn the sun off." I mumbled turning around and hiding my face in his chest where I felt him chuckle. "Seriously turn it off." I said about to fall back asleep.

"I can't do that darling. Cmon we get to ride horses today." He said shaking me awake.

"Alright I'm up, I'm gonna go shower." I said rolling out of the bed, so tired I forgot I didn't have a bra on when I pulled his shirt off of me and pulled down my underwear and made my way to the bathroom shutting the door. I was so tired I didn't take in the details in the bathroom besides the wood vibe I got. I stepped in the shower and felt myself waking up.

After I had gotten out of the shower and peaked through the door to see if he was in here made me happy when he wasn't. I quickly dried off and put on my dark purple and black laced bra that showed my skin a little bit and the matching thong that also showed my fair skin. I put on the garter belt and snapped the stockings in place. I put on a pair of comfortable jeans and one of Alex's shirts. Once I put them on he walked through the door with a giant smile on his face.

"I'm gonna go shower alright darling." He said making me wonder about what was making him happy. I shrugged my shoulders and brushed out my hair and let it be in its natural state of beach waves. A few minutes later Alex left the bathroom and I watched him have only a towel around his waist making me drool.

"God damn you make me feel hot." I said biting my lip and making him blush but also give me a silent look of stop it. "Alright I'm sorry, just you're so delicious looking." I said smiling and leaving the room so he could change. I walked down the stairs and saw Eliza and his parents sitting at the table already eating breakfast. "Did Alex eat already?" I asked sitting down and grabbing a couple pieces of toast.

"Yeah he did, ate pretty fast. How did you sleep last night?" Alexis asked me as I took a bite out of the bread. I finished chewing before answering.

"I slept peacefully, how did you guys get this place it's so warm and inviting and it's so nice." I said looking around and seeing their smiles.

"Well we won it in an auction and we loved it so much we decided to sell our old house and live here. It's perfect because we have money saved up and the house is already paid off." Edward said making me smile big.

"You guys have so much luck it makes me jealous." I said making them laugh. I couldn't help but laugh to. After we finished eating Alex came down stairs and he was dressed in a low v neck and baggy jeans making him look at home.

"Let's go ride horses everyone!" Eliza all but yelled in our ears making us chuckle at her childish ways. We all left through the backdoor and I saw the barn in the back making me feel a little nervous since I never rode a horse before. I saw Eliza already running to the horses and once we got there she was already on her horse and waited for us. "Cmon let's go riding!" She said smiling big. It was nice to see her really happy.

We all got on our horses and after twelve minutes of me struggling to get on and Eliza laughing at me, I finally was on the sweetest horse. The horse was gentle with me and I see whywhy they gave me this one.


The sun was setting and I'd seen the whole contryside with Alex and his family making me feel so completely different. It made me miss my family and I wonder if they'd even wanna see me. We didn't part ways on happy terms. However after seeing Alex interact with his family made me a tad jealous because I wanted that.

"What wrong darling." Alex asked me when we were alone in the barn putting the horses back.

"Just thinking of my parents." I said sighing.

"What about?" He asked after putting the last horse away.

"Well when I left to go to college we didn't end things on happy terms and I wanna see them and explain to them all the things I did was wrong and I wanna just apologize. But I'm not even sure if they wanna see me." I said smiling sadly at Alex. He came over and tilted my head up kissing me gently on the lips.

"I am sure they miss you and would love if you would visit them." He said holding my hand as we walked back to the house. When we got inside it was quiet which made us wonder where they went.

"Where is everyone?" I asked looking around and seeing Alex with a goofy grin. "What did you do?" I asked him crossing my arms.

"Well I sort of told them to leave because I wanted to have some alone time with you here." He said making my heart skip a beat.

"What are you planning Alex?" I asked him going upstairs with him closely behind me. When I opened our bedroom door I saw candles all lined up and lit giving the room a warm glow making me realize what was going on. "Are you serious?" I asked smiling big. He nodded his head and pulled me into him. He kissed me softly at first but after a couple seconds the kiss got deeper and before I knew it I had my arms around him and he was kissing me deeply.

"I've wanted to do this for so long and this felt right." He said making my heart melt. I wanted to cry at how perfect he was.

"I have good news Alex." I said pulling his shirt off and kissing his neck while he started to pull my shirt off.

"What's that?" He said making me feel nervous.

"I'm on birth control." I said quietly. He tilted my head up and only smiled before kissing me deeply again.

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