Twenty Five

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"Why didn't you tell me I was hurting you darling?" He said kissing my wrists.

"I tried to but I couldn't speak." I said softly letting my body relax into him.

"Damn Elena, you should of done something to stop me. I'm so sorry." He said picking me up off the bed and carrying me to the bathroom. He sat me on the toilet seat and started the huge bath that could fit four people in it. "Are you alright?" He said looking over me and then I saw the blood on my thigh making me slap my head.

"Yeah I'm fine, it wasn't you who did that." I said looking a bit embarrassed.

"What do yo- oh! Yeah, I got it." He said scratching the back of his head.

"It only comes every few months and lasts a couple days, it's just showing me that the birth control is working and that I'm not pregnant." I said as he sat on the edge of the bath rubbing my thigh. I watched as he turned the water off and picked me up, gently placing me in the hot and soothing bath. He got in with me and leaned on the back pulling me into him.

"I'm glad you aren't pregnant, but I wanna to ask if you wanted kids." He said relaxing in the bath, making me relax with him.

"I do want kids. I want twins." I said smiling softly to myself.

"Why twins?" He asked grabbing the loofah, and washing my body.

"I just always loved the idea of twins. I hope it's a girl and boy, but I can only hope." I said feeling him scrub me down gently. "Do you want kids?" I asked him.

"I do eventually. I want at most three, but I'm okay with having two or one even." He said making my heart beat faster. "When do you want kids?" He asked as he started to wash my hair.

"I wanna be married before I have kids. I want to have my degree and be able to work in their schools as a counselor." I said smiling. It would be nice to make sure my kids were okay in school and didn't struggle.

"I think I'm gonna agree with you on that one darling." He said kissing my cheek. I turned around and started to do what he did to me and washed his body.

"When do you think you'll get married?" I asked feeling a bit shy all of sudden as I washed his body.

"When I find the woman I'm deeply in love with." He said staring me in my eyes making me gulp. I looked down and finished washing his body and hair. He let the water out, and stood up helping me up as well.

"That was needed, thank you." I said smiling as he wrapped a warm fluffy towel around me. I felt so loved and it made my heart beat so fast. As I started to walk back to the closet to get changed I felt cramps in my hips making me lean over grabbing my stomach. "Fuck this hurts." I said with tears in my eyes.

"Are you alright? Can I do anything?" He asked rubbing mt back.

"I need advil." I said slowly drying my self off feeling my hips ache more everytime I move.

"Let me help you darling." He said as he finished drying me off and dressing me in a pair of comfy underwear and one of his big shirts.

"Thank you, but really I do need that advil." I said as he laid me down and nodded his head, going back to the bathroom and coming back with a couple of advil and a bottled water. I took the medicine and fell back on the bed.

"I'm gonna go get us some dinner, want anything specific?" He said putting on a pair of sweatpants and a shirt and jacket. He put his glasses back on and walked back over to me.

"Can you get tacos? With extra sour cream." I said smiling at him. He kissed my head making me smile bigger.

"I'll be back soon, just relax and try to make some hot tea." He said kissing my head again and leaving the room, and then I heard the front door shut.

I found my phone on the bedside table aaind grabbed it, seeing I had a missed call from Eliza. I quickly dialed her back and when she didn't answer I panicked. I saw what time it was and it was only eleven, her parents are most likely asleep right now. I quickly called Alex, and he answered immediately. "Alex! Eliza isn't answering my calls. Change of plans, we gotta go check on her." I said into the phone hanging up and quickly putting on a pair of sweatpants and sneakers.

I locked the house and quickly started running down the street. I couldn't help my mind from expecting the worst thing in the world. I ran faster when I realized how far away the house really was. I heard a car slow down and noticed it was Alex. "Get in!" He said opening the door and I quickly got in as he drove fast to the house.

We arrived in record timing and as soon as he opened the front door I pushed past him and ran upstairs to his sisters room. I saw him go and wake up his parents, while I tried opening the door. It was locked and I was panicking. I didn't see Alex or his parents and my instincts kicked in. I back up and kicked the door down and hurting my leg and limping in the room. I saw Eliza in the bed, pills spread out around her. I checked her pulse seeing it was there and I immediately leaned her body on me and shove my fingers down her throat. Hearing her gag and puke up a few pills, but I knew it wasn't all of them.

"Please Eliza, please don't do this." I cried out making her puke more out of her system. I saw how many there were and that's when I heard Alex coming into the room. "Eliza please." I cried out trying to make her puke more.

"I called the ambulance they are on their way." Alex said. I looked over and saw him looking worried and try to not cry. I didn't care how stupid I looked with puke all over me. "We aren't waiting on the ambulance. We are gonna meet them on the way." I said picking her up, ignoring the pain in my right leg.

I quickly limped out of the house and sat in his backseat as Alex started to drive. He drove recklessly and when we were half way there he honked, and waved over the ambulance. We both pulled over and I carried her out of the care as they took her from me and put her on the gurney. I saw them put a mask on her and put her in the back of the ambulance.

I got back in the car and Alex drove quickly to the hospital following the ambulance. I couldn't help the sinking feeling in my heart.

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