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"We should go shower off darling." He said rubbing my back. I was so in bliss I didn't realize how dirty we were in our own sweat and bodily juices. I nodded my head as he stood up in his naked glory, helping me stand up as well.

"I don't think I can walk." I admitted making him look worried.

"I'm sorry I hurt you darling." He said helping me stand up.

"You didn't hurt me, not at all. You made me feel special and complete." I said as he helped me to the shower. We both got in and I leaned on the wall while he turned the shower on.

"I meant what I said Elena." He said as he started to wash my body with his hands. "I love you, I really do." He said making me wanna cry again. "Don't cry darling please." He said hugging me tightly and kissing my forehead making me sigh in happiness.

After we finished washing each other in the shower Alex wrapped a towel around me and carried me back to the bed. I saw him with his own towel wrapped around his waist and I sighed leaning into him. He dried my body off and tried to be careful and not hurt me down there.

When he finished drying me off and dressing me in his own tshirt and my comfy underwear, he tucked me in bed and I watched him dry off and admire his body. He had a few scars but it made him have more personality and I couldn't help but stare at him like some creep.

"I can feel your eyes on me darling." He said making me giggle softly. "Oh good you didn't lose your voice." He said making me smile at him.

"Shut up, I wasn't that loud." I said blushing a deep red.

"Oh yes you were. You were amazing." He said putting on boxers and curling up behind me in bed. "I love you Elena Evans, and nothing on this green earth will make me change my mind." He said making me cry softly. "Don't cry, please." He whispered in my ear.

I turned around to face him and laid my head on his arm looking in his eyes that were filled with love and adoration towards me. I felt more tears leave my eyes as I opened my mouth to say it back but I couldnt. I was so overwhelmed with happiness. "I love you so damn much." I managed to squeak out making him smile down at me.

"I know darling, I know. Just go to sleep." He said kissing the top of my head and holding me close to him as we both fell asleep in each others arms.


When we woke up the next morning, that's when I felt the ache between my legs. "I'm so sore." I said quietly knowing Alex was awake watching me.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think I'd hurt you this much." He said rubbing my back and kissing my shoulder.

"You were so big and I'm surprised you didn't completely rip me apart." I said making him chuckle.

"You should of told me to not do that." He said looking down at me with those deep green eyes making me blush.

"Can we try again tonight?" I asked as I ran my fingers up and down his arm. He looked shocked that I asked but nodded his head.

"I mean we can, but are you sure?" He asked pointing down to my private area.

"Yes I'm sure, I may be sore but I'm not incapable. Besides last night was wonderful and everything I dreamed it would be, but I wanna try rougher sex tonight. I know your kinky and I wanna explore it with you." I said burying my face into his chest.

"If you really want to we can, but I'm gonna go slow still. I'm not gonna bring the handcuffs out now, but maybe another time we can do more intense stuff like that." He said and I nodded my head thinking about what kinky stuff he might enjoy.

We both heard a knock on the door making me giggle. I knew his family knew what we did last night. "Come on lovebirds, lunch is ready." Alexis called out making both of our stomachs grumble. We both got out of the bed and I slipped my silky shorts on as he put on a pair of gym shorts. We both left the room and held hands as we walked downstairs.

"Good morning you two." Edward said giving us a wink making me hide behind Alex. "Someone is shy this morning." He said teasing me.

"She's just tired is all." Alex said before helping me sit down as he sat next to me.

"I'm sure she is." He said giving Alex a wink making me laugh softly at the two of them.

"So what did you three do last night?" I asked as Eliza put down the plate of eggs and potatoes down in front of me. "Thank you."

"Well we went to the fair." Alexis said sitting down.

"Oh we went there a few months ago." Alex said as we all started eating.

"It was so much fun, we might go again tonight. I want more cotton candy." Eliza said smiling big at all of us. "I really wanna go please." She said making her parents sigh and smile at their daughter.

"We can go again tonight, only because I loved the swing ride." Alexis said leaning her head on Edwards shoulder. Alex turned and looked at me with a raised eyebrow making me realize the we would be alone again tonight. "Time to go feed the animals while you boys clean up." Alexis said before motioning me and Eliza to leave. I kissed Alex on the lips softly and went upstairs to put on a bra.

I came back down stairs and went out the back door to see Eliza and Alexis throw down seeds and different foods as the animals flocked over to them. I grabbed the bucked by the door and followed them smiling. "This is so cool." I said as a chicken ate from out of my hand.

"Yeah these animals all have a personality." Eliza said petting a majority of the animals making my heart feel warm.

Shortly after we finished feeding the animals, we ended up playing a couple board games till Alex and I waved goodbye to his parents and sister since they were going to the fair again. Once Alex shut the door I stood there with my hands behind my back.

"Are you sure you wanna do this?" He asked making me nod my head. He kissed my forehead and held my hand as he walked up the stairs, me right behind him feeling giddy.

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