Part 1

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Written by: J.A Flynn


Light snow fell upon the town, red and green lights from houses illuminated the night sky and roads. A monster lurked, shrouded in shadow, standing on a street corner, his eyes perfectly adjusted to the darkness. His clawed hands in his pockets, his hoofed feet crushed the snow and ice below. He was on a hunt, he knew who he was going after. Walking along snowy sidewalks, a chilly wind kicked up, his dark red fur now covered in spots of white and becoming a bit wet. Sniffing the chilly night air, he knew his victim was lurking this evening. Krampus never forgot a face or name, the child's name? Timothy. slightly overweight, blonde hair reaching his shoulders and usually holding a green backpack. What had he done this holiday season to deserve a visit from the Christmas demon?

Police had gotten calls from parents of pets missing in the neighborhood, not only had they always been located near or around Tim's house, but Tim's photography work of his gruesome and heinous acts did not lie. Krampus sensed evil within children, like a mathematician finding a number out of place-he had been doing this for a long time. Tim had been lucky over the past year to fly under Santa's radar-but tonight, Tim would get more than he ever bargained for.

The child stood over the body of his latest furry victim, a yellow lab puppy. He smirked and took a photograph of the mangled corpse like he always did. He would be home in time for opening presents with his family if he hurried.

The woods are an eerie place at night, but he knew his way around, shining his flashlight among the tall trees and careful not to slip on sheets of ice. He wasn't scared, he was gleeful after the work he had done, the harming of innocent creatures is what made him happy.

Walking through roots and wet leaves, he exited the wooded area, putting his hands in the pockets of his khakis. He hummed a bit as he made his way up a large hill, and overlooking this hill was the town he lived in. Houses, one after another, decorated with Christmas cheer, Santa statues, reindeer, snowmen and flashing red and green lights.

Timothy thought he was alone as he walked through the same roads his stalker patrolled -but his naivety would be his undoing. Briskly walking through the dark town, he heard distant music playing from a convenience store, the typical Christmas classics, which now happened to be Carol of The Bells.

Past the store and crossing roads, he was almost home, where he would be welcomed by a large pine tree and loving arms of his blissfully unaware parents, as he passed a few houses-he fell smack to the pavement, his head hitting the cement. With a groan, Timothy slowly stood up-and standing in front of him was the tallest man he had ever seen.

Over six feet tall, wearing a velvet red hood with white fluffy trimming, his yellow eyes glow, slightly illuminating his face, that of a red demon with a goatee. The horns on his head had a large curve like a goat. His hands were not hooved, but human-like, red hands with pointy fingernails. Removing his large hood, the creature revealed himself in full. His body covered with red mangled fur, a long tail between his legs and large hoofed feet. On his back, he carried a brown sack full of sharp objects and other torture devices.

The kid stood up, Krampus perfectly blocked his way. Tim usually would scold and yell at any adult who dares question him-but from the looks of this 'thing' he was far from human. Tim looked down, seeing a silver chain which hung from his hip. He said not a word, but the creature spoke, his voice a deep whisper, like a demonic soul enjoying his time scaring him. "Timothy Whitfield, you've been naughty As Tim stood frozen in fright, one of Krampus' clawed hands reached for the silver chain, with a yank it came loose. A single tear escaped Tim's eye and he ran in the other direction, he wanted to scream but thought it may provoke him.

With a smirk and with lightning speed, the goat-creature spun the chain, high in the air like a cowboy lassoing cattle. As he did so, his large abs began to show themselves in full. The metal object wrapped around the kid's feet-tripping him and falling on his nose, causing it to gush dark red blood. Tim now began to scream and squirm-but it seemed the more he struggled, the more the chain would engulf his entire body and get tighter.

Keeping a hold of the chain, Krampus walked slowly up to Tim, his breath could be seen coming from his nostrils, the sound of his huge footsteps nearing closer to his head gave him a sense of dread he had never felt before. He thought maybe the creature would show mercy if he was lucky. Releasing the chain and going for his sack, he pulled out a bundle of birch branches, tied by a heavy piece of rope, made by the creature himself.

Krampus knelt in front of his face, revealing his pointed fangs and elongated tongue which nearly touched his frozen skin, with a maniacal chuckle he whacked the terrified and screaming kid over and over with the weapon. The impact caused his skin to turn red, the sting was unimaginably painful. The demon whispered in his same dark tone. "Naughty...naughty...naughty." Tim rolled on his back, the snow seeping through his clothes. Krampus then pulled out a large knife, before Tim could yell, his throat was sliced open. Warmblood poured from the wound and onto Krampus' clothes, he gasped for air. The Christmas demon watched him writhe in agony, unblinking and unstirred by the gushing wound.

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