Chapter Five

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A usual morning at the Hembrig house was composed of yelling and rushing about. It was almost worrisome if Skylar wasn't yelling at Lindsay to hurry up, or their mother wasn't yelling at their father to get out the door for work.

This morning was no different than any other; Skylar stood at the foot of the staircase calling up for her sister.

"Come on, Lindsay! We should be at Hayley's house before seven!" She said, impatiently tapping her foot on the floor.

"I'm already ready!" She heard Lindsay call from the kitchen. Skylar followed her voice, hearing her talk to someone on the phone.

"I'll see you before homeroom, okay? I know, I'm sorry. But I'll see you then?" Lindsay said, sounding slightly pained. "Alright, Bye." She hung up, and almost ran into Skylar, who was eavesdropping around the corner. "Skylar, watch it." She said, narrowing her eyes at her sister after the initial shock left her face.

"Are you ready to pick up Hayley?" Skylar asked her, trailing behind her as she put her shoes and jacket on.

"For sure, I'm ready for you to not be a social outcast anymore." Lindsay teased. "Can't wait for you guys to become best friends so you have a life outside of mine."

"Okay, sure. Because I'm not your designated driver every Friday or Saturday night." Skylar retorted, laughing. The girls headed out the door and got the car started down the road.

As they approached Hayley's house, Lindsay slowed the car to a stop. "Do you want to go up and get her?" She asked.

Before Skylar could answer, Hayley's front door opened, and the redhead walked out. Skylar smiled when she looked up at her and waved. Hayley opened the back passenger door and tossed her backpack in, before pulling her body into the car. She was shorter than most, and Skylar giggled when she realized she had to almost hop into the vehicle.

"Don't laugh at me, I could still take you out." Hayley threatened. After a moment, she got her stuff sorted and reached for her seatbelt. "Thanks for letting me ride with you guys to school, I really appreciate it. That bus ride was torture." She laughed, a light sound that resonated through the car.

Skylar smiled at her, shaking her head. "It's really no big deal, we live on the next street over. Plus, we used to live in the red house just down here." She pointed to a small, wood-paneled home encased in a white fence. The Hembrigs moved into their newer home shortly after Skylar was able to walk.

"Too bad we aren't still neighbors." Hayley said, and Skylar nodded in agreement. "How cool would that be?"

"Hayley!" Lindsay interrupted. "Do you play any sports?" She looked at her through the rearview mirror eagerly.

Skylar rolled her eyes and sunk back into her seat. Of course Lindsay was going to take advantage of the ten minute drive and try to rein her in for volleyball.

"Um, I used to. I was my old school's number one softball player. And I played basketball my freshman year of high school, but I was absolutely atrocious." Hayley answered, chuckling. "I don't think I made one basket the entire season."

"Have you ever played volleyball? Our team is always looking for girls. I'm the senior captain this year." Lindsay said, proudly.

"I've only ever played against family members at our annual reunion, honestly. But I pack a pretty mean punch in my spikes."

"You should come out!" Lindsay said excitedly.

Hayley looked shocked, not expecting Lindsay's enthusiasm. "What?" She laughed, taken aback.

"You should come out for the team! We already had tryouts, but we still need bodies in case we have to substitute players."

"Oh, yeah! I'll think about it for sure. Maybe next year!" Hayley said, relaxing into her seat. "So, Skylar. You're going to have to show me how to get to homeroom again. Because yesterday I wasn't really paying attention when Principal Reynolds walked me down."

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