Chapter Nine

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Sunday night was usually devoted to forgotten homework and assignments that had been held off all week. However, Skylar couldn't focus on whatever Word document she was supposed to be working on, as she kept ferociously re-loading her AIM homescreen every thirty seconds.

It had been forty eight hours since she'd seen or heard from Hayley. Forty eight hours since she'd been kissed for the very first time by a girl. Forty eight hours was a long time to spend contemplating everything you'd ever known in life.

Skylar kept going over the moment in her head, the look on Hayley's face, the feeling of her soft lips on hers. She knew Hayley was upset with her, but she didn't know if it was because she felt the same, or because she didn't feel the same.

After an hour of pretending to be interested in her homework, Skylar decided to break and take a shower. She just wanted to hear from Hayley, and it hurt to know that the person she wanted to talk to the most didn't want to talk to her at all. And she didn't even know why.

Tom had messaged Skylar earlier in the day, asking if she was alright. She'd forgotten to answer his message in the morning, making sure she had made it home safely. He told her he wanted to meet up with her by her locker early in the morning, because he had a surprise for her.

Skylar knew he was going to ask her to homecoming, it was this weekend. She wanted to say yes, because she still liked Tom, or at least she thought she did. She liked spending time with him, and kissing him was pretty nice. Her family liked Tom, they liked that he was a boy. He fit into their white-picket-fence equation. Skylar would go to homecoming with Tom, he would propose after graduation, they would get married after college, and supply both families with grandchildren. He fit perfectly, a girl did not. But,  she liked him, too.

Skylar ran her hands through her hair, feeling the soap and water soak through it. The water ran down her back, covering her in a shower of warmth. I could stay here forever, she thought. No Tom, no Hayley. Thinking about how quickly her life had changed within a matter of two weeks, Skylar couldn't help but cry. She scaled down the wall of the shower, collapsing in a heap on the floor. She let the water run on her head, in an effort to drown out her thoughts. It was useless, nothing would stop them.

After a moment, Skylar stood up and rinsed her face. The water had gone from hot to lukewarm, and she knew she'd never hear the end of it if she used up all the hot water.

She got out of the shower, and twisted her hair up in the towel. She breathed deeply and checked the mirror to make sure her eyes weren't bloodshot.

"Sky! I need to pee!"

Lindsay banged on the door. Skylar jumped at her sister's voice, and rolled her eyes. She opened the door and gave her sister a smile.

"Thank God. You've been in here forever." Lindsay said, audibly annoyed.

"It was fifteen minutes." Skylar shrugged her shoulders. She stepped out of the doorway to let her sister in.

"Oh, Hayley messaged me by the way. She said we don't have to pick her up in the morning." Lindsay added, forcing Skylar to stop in her tracks.

"Oh, really?" She asked her, feigning surprise. She wasn't surprised Hayley didn't want to ride with them in the morning. She hadn't spoken to her in a day, and she was obviously upset with her.

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