Chapter Ten

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For the second day in a row, Hayley was skipping homeroom. Skylar had waited all day Monday to talk to Hayley, who hadn't even shown up at school. Tuesday, today, she would talk to her. Whether she wanted to or not, Skylar was going to confront her. However, with Hayley seemingly absent, she wasn't sure how she was going to do that.

Skylar spent the remainder of homeroom thinking of what she was going to say to Hayley, and how she was going to say it to her. She was daydreaming so hard, she nearly missed the fact that the bell had rang. And, of course, Hayley hadn't shown.

Chemistry passed by dreadfully slow, mostly composed of the same wistful daydream. Somehow, Hayley would approach her, tell her she was sorry, and that she liked her. There would be cheering, and Hayley would kiss Skylar, in front of everyone.

When the bell finally rang, Skylar's heart raced. She had English with Hayley next, and she wondered if she would be there. The fact that they hadn't spoken in almost four days was killing her, she just wanted to understand what was going on.

Skylar tossed her papers in her bag, and slung her JanSport over one shoulder. She filed out the door behind everyone else, and made her way down the hall. As she neared the English wing, she could feel her heartbeat in her throat. Before she made it to the door, she caught a glimpse of familiar red hair. Her gaze landed on Hayley's, and she inhaled sharply.

Hayley noticed her after a moment, and her eyebrows raised for a split second, before narrowing at her.

"Hayley, wait." Skylar said to her, when she neared. She obviously had no intention of slowing down to talk to her.

"What?" She snapped, turning around to look at her. Skylar swallowed quickly, seeing a look of absolute hatred in her eyes.

"Can we talk?" Skylar asked softly. She bit her lip, afraid she'd say no.

"We're going to be late, I can't." Hayley said. Her eyes shifted to the classroom in front of her, and she took a step toward the door before Skylar reached out and grabbed ahold of her arm lightly. Hayley turned and gave her a look of pure anger.

"Let go of my arm," she said, her voice rough.

"Please. Meet me at my car at lunch?" Skylar begged her. Hayley didn't say anything in response, and she brushed Skylar's hand off her arm before rushing into class. Skylar let out a small sigh of defeat, and reluctantly followed her into the room.



Skylar bit her nail, adjusting the radio one more time. She'd been sitting in her car for nearly twenty minutes, praying to whatever god was above her, that Hayley would show up. She was about to give up all hope.

"God damn it." Skylar muttered under her breath, leaning forward and resting her head on the wheel. Of course Hayley wouldn't show up, she had no reason to. Skylar was hoping for the impossible, at this point. She honestly didn't even know why she was worried, she had Tom now. Tom was a good guy, and he would impress her parents and friends.
But she couldn't deny what she felt for Hayley, even if she did like Tom.

Skylar sighed heavily into her arms that were crossed below her head. She had just wanted to talk, she wanted to know why she was being ignored.

She thought about that night, and the kiss they had shared. It had only lasted all of two seconds, but it felt like so much longer. Skylar hadn't wanted it to end, but she couldn't risk anyone knowing what she was feeling. She didn't want to be a topic of conversation over family dinner.

But Hayley - why was she so angry? She had to have felt something, or she wouldn't have been upset when Skylar pushed her away. Unless she really did know how Skylar felt, and she thought she was an absolute pervert.

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