After school, when I had finished all my homework, I sat on the couch and watched my favorite show. I couldn't help but think of Seth whenever a cute guy would be on screen.
No, stop thinking of him! He's a bad boy, and you know we've had nothing but terrible experiences with bad boys!
Ugh, my inner voice was so irritatingly right.
I was home alone; Zack was out with his friends, and mom and dad were still at the bookstore that they owned and operated together. It was called Connors' Books (original, I know) and it was one of my favorite places on the planet.
After about an hour or so, I heard the front door opening.
"Stella, it's Zack, I'm home," my brother called.
"Okay," I called in response.
It might've been just me, but I could swear that I heard two sets of footsteps. I ignored that and turned my attention back to my show.
Not long after, though, I heard chuckling. Two people chuckling. And then some running across the hall. Zack didn't say anything about bringing a friend over.
I mean, I guess it's not really my business but he could have at least let me know that someone was coming over.
Brothers. What can ya do?
I got up from the couch and tiptoed towards Zack's room, determined to find out who was here with him.
His door wasn't closed all the way, so I peeked in and was confused at the sight.
Nobody was in Zack's room with him; he was just working on homework on his bed.
Okay, maybe I'm just going crazy. I could have sworn I heard two people. Two.
I inwardly rolled my eyes as I walked over to my room, which was across the hall.
As soon as I opened the door, I shrieked.
"What are you doing here? And in my room?" I asked Seth, who was looking through old pictures on top of my dresser.
His eyes widened. "Oh, um, sorry," he mumbled, dropping the pictures and turning away from the dresser.
So I'm not going crazy after all. There were two people.
I huffed. "Sorry's not gonna cut it, mister," I said, walking over to Seth and poking his chest.
He smirked. "Ya know, based off those pictures, you were cute when you were little," he said, stepping closer with every word.
My breath caught in my throat. Seth was only inches away now. I stared into his icy blue eyes, mesmerized.
"Woah, woah, woah!" Zack shouted, walking into my room. Seth and I jumped away from each other.
"Bro, what did I tell you?" Zack said, walking over to Seth. He leaned over and whispered in his ear, "My sister is off-limits."
I don't think I was meant to hear that, but because Zack is incapable of whispering, I did hear him.
My heart beat fast. They talked about me?
Zack turned to me. "Sorry about that, sis," he said, grabbing Seth's arm and leading him out of my room.
They left me alone, dumbfounded. Did that really just happen?
I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts, before I heard the front door opening and my parents calling, "We're home!" in unison.
I rushed out to greet them, greatful for the distraction. Unfortunately, Zack and Seth had the same idea.
"Mom, dad, this is Seth Rayford," Zack said. "He's new to Grants High."
Seth said a couple "nice to meet you"s as he shook my mother's hand, then my father's.
"Well, it's nice to meet you," Mom said, and I could've sworn she snuck a wink at me. My suspicions were confirmed when she left Seth and walked over to me and whispered in my ear, "He's cute."
I rolled my eyes and laughed. "As if, Mom. Give me a break."
She smirked at me. "Well, I'm just stating facts here," she said innocently, batting her eyelashes.
I laughed again, blushing at the thought of Seth. My mom saw and winked at me again before heading to the kitchen to start dinner.
"Stells, can I talk to you?" Zack's voice broke me out of my thoughts.
"Uh, yeah, sure." I glanced over at my dad and Seth, who were in the living room watching football and chatting up a storm.
Uh-oh. That means my dad likes him. If my dad doesn't like someone, he won't talk to them.
Zack dragged me into the hallway, out of earshot of anyone else. "Seth isn't a cool guy, Stella," he whispered. "Towards girls, anyways."
I stared blankly at my brother, prompting him to continue.
"He was telling me and the guys about all the girlfriends he's had and...," he sighed. "I just need to know that you won't fall for him." Zack looked me dead in the eyes as he waited for my response.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever," I mumbled, looking down at my toes.
Zack grabbed my shoulders. "I'm serious, Stella! I know you've been hurt before by guys like him and I just can't bear to see my baby sis hurt like that again!" He pulled me into a hug.
"I appreciate you looking out for me, Zack," I said, hugging him back. "But I'm not a baby anymore, and I can look out for myself." I pulled away from the hug, giving Zack a small smile before walking back to the living room.
Dad and Seth weren't watching football anymore, but they were still talking, and my mom had even joined in on their conversation.
Wow. Seth really had a way with old people.
Just kidding, my parents aren't that old. But still.
My mom had laid out dinner in the kitchen so that we could just grab what we wanted. And apparently, my mom had invited Seth to eat with us.
Just great. I mean, we don't even know the guy.
I announced to everyone that I would be eating alone in my room if they needed me. This was met by many protests, mainly from my mom.
It was obvious that she planned on playing match maker for Seth and I, and I was not gonna let that happen.
No matter how hot Seth was.
If you enjoyedThanks peeps! See ya in the next chapter!

It Was Him
ЧиклитStella Connors had been through a lot for someone her age. She believed she had found love before, but it had been cruelly ripped from her grasp all too soon. Seth Rayford acquired the title of "bad boy" when he moved to town and started school at...