The next week was really hard for everyone. Gramps' condition hadn't gotten any better, and it soon took a turn for the worse. And then we got the call, confirming our fears.
It was the middle of the night, while everyone was trying to sleep but couldn't because we knew we were going to get news from the hospital on Gramps' condition, when we finally got the call we'd been waiting for.
The phone rang, its sound piercing the sleepy atmosphere of our home. My dad jumped out of bed, rushed to the living room and answered. By that time everyone else had gotten out of bed and gathered around to hear the news.
"So, how is he?" Dad asked, his voice laden with panic, but also hope that his fears would not come true.
The hospital clerk's words were hard to hear from where I was, but from the way my father's face fell, I already knew what they were saying.
I broke down in tears, hugging my mom tight. She hugged me back, rocking me back and forth. "He's in a better place, sweetie," my mom said, doing her best to comfort me while unable to hold her own tears back for long.
After that, we all went to sleep in Mom and Dad's room, as I insisted I couldn't sleep alone. Zack rolled his eyes at that, but didn't protest.
As it had turned out, Gramps was quite a rich man. He had written a will a few months before his death, and we hadn't known about it. I found out from Kacey, who called me the morning of its reading.
"Hey, Stella," her voice was raw from crying. When I still wasn't able to sleep, even in my parents' room, I had called Kacey to see how she was doing. Her family got the news before mine, of course, because they were Gramps' immediate family.
"Hey Kace," I said, attempting to sound cheerful. It didn't work. "What's up?"
Kacey laughed a small laugh at my lame attempt to be casual. "Well, we just got a call from our lawyer, and apparently Gramps had written a will that he never mentioned. So, the reading's at noon today, and your family's invited. I think my mom's on the phone with your mom about it right now."
Gramps wrote a will? I couldn't believe my ears. "Oh, wow, I never even knew," I said.
"Yeah, I know right?" Kacey said. "Anyway, I'll see you at the reading. Love ya."
"Love you too," I said, before ending the call. I ran over to my mom. "Did ya hear the news?" I asked.
"Bye!" She chirped into her phone. I inwardly laughed. Her and Kacey's mom ended their call at around the same time we did. "What news, sweetie?"
"Weren't you just on the phone with..with Kacey's mom?" I asked, my brows furrowed in confusion.
"Oh! Right! The will. Yes, so go tell your father and brother to get ready for the reading," Mom said.
I nodded, running to Zack's room, where him and Dad were looking through old pictures that Dad brought in from the shelf in the living room. "Guys, guys, you wouldn't believe it!" I excitedly yelled as I ran up to them.
They were just laughing at an old picture of me at around 2 years old, running from my own shadow, butt naked. "Hey!" I yelled, punching my father and brother on the shoulders.
That only made them laugh harder.
I crossed my arms, flustered. "Well, if you guys won't stop laughing, then I won't tell you about Gramps' will," I singsonged, waiting for that to sink in for them.
"Haha-What?" Dad asked, a look of surprise coming over his face. "Gramps' will?"
Zack just sat there, dumbfounded, staring at me while waiting for an answer.
I nodded. "Yep. Gramps wrote a will. We're all invited to the reading, which is at noon, so get your lazy butts ready."
And with that, I was off to my own room. As I walked out of Zack's, I heard my dad mutter, "She sounds like her mother already."
As my dad was pulling into the driveway, I looked for Kacey. Sure enough, I spotted her near the front doors of the building. Much to my surprise (and disgust, I'm not gonna lie), I saw Rachael not too far from her.
I hopped out of the car as soon as my dad parked, running over to Kacey. "What's Rachael doing here?" I asked, unable to mask my surprise.
Kacey shrugged. "I have no idea. I guess we'll find out. All I do know is, she is here for the reading."
That's weird. Why would Rachael Leeman be at the reading of Gramps' will?
Turns out, before Gramps had Kacey and Anna's mother, he had a son that no one knew about because he had to be put up for adoption when he was born. Gramps hadn't been in the best financial state at the time of his son's birth.
That son was Rachael's father. Which meant that Kacey and Rachael were cousins.
Nobody knew, and when it was explained in the will, everyone was shocked. Rachael's father hadn't even known he was adopted until that moment. He had only come to the reading of the will because his adoptive family told him that Gramps was a close family friend.
I looked at Kacey wide-eyed. "I didn't see that coming."
Kacey, who was just as surprised (if not, more) as me, slowly nodded. "Me neither," she whispered.
"Now that I know I'm related to...well, that," Kacey continued, "my life is just never going to be the same."
I shook my head. "Good luck with Queen B*tch over there at family reunions. You're gonna need it."
Kacey laughed out loud, then covered her mouth after receiving glares from some people in the room. "Sorry, everyone, I'm sorry," she said while stifling another laugh.
Once the lawyer continued reading the will, Kacey leaned over to whisper in my ear. "That was a good one."
I laughed quietly. "I know," I whispered back.
"Now we move on to the financial portion," the lawyer read. "It says here that he wants his fortune to go to-"
Someone slammed open the door and barged in just then. "Me! It's all going to me!"
And who do you think barged in??
Leave your thoughts in the comments and please, leave a vote if you enjoyed! *whispers* It's that little star button! :D
Till next week,

It Was Him
ChickLitStella Connors had been through a lot for someone her age. She believed she had found love before, but it had been cruelly ripped from her grasp all too soon. Seth Rayford acquired the title of "bad boy" when he moved to town and started school at...