Ch. 10: It's a Surprise

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"Where are you going?" Zack asked accusingly as I snatched my coat from the coat hanger by the door. My heart pounded with excitement, but also nervousness. If Zack found out where I was really going right now, he'd punt me like a football into next week.

"I, I told you earlier, I'm going to Kacey's. We're gonna have a movie night," I breathed. I sounded a lot more sure of myself in my head.

Zack surveyed me skeptically. "Uh huh...I'll drive you over there right now," he offered, no doubt only to see how I'd react. I anticipated he'd say something like that. That's why I texted both Kacey and Seth, and arranged for him to pick me up at her house at 7 o'clock. I quickly checked my phone. It was 6:35. Plenty of time for Zack to drop me off and leave before Seth got there.

"Sure, thank you!" I laughed, relieved. "Saves me quite the walk." Zack seemed confused, as if he hadn't expected me to accept his offer, but quickly shrugged.

"Mom, dad, I'm taking Stella to Kacey's!" He called out to our parents. After they called back a response, Zack turned to me. "Alright, get out there then. Wouldn't wanna keep Kacey waiting."

I gulped. Does he suspect anything? I certainly hope not! Ugh...

"Yeah, no, that would be so rude. She's really excited about watching this one movie with Dave Franco in it-,"

Zack held up his hand, cutting me off. His face twisted into an expression of disgust. "Alright, alright, I don't want to hear about your guys' celebrity crushes."

After Zack begrudgingly dropped me off at Kacey's house, we went inside so that I could get ready for my date. Ahh! My date! With Seth! My heart fluttered. I had texted Kacey while I was in the car, letting her know my plan. I also texted Seth, letting him know to pick me up from Kacey's house. I didn't even have to explain why; he knew.

"Gosh, I can't believe you're going out with Seth!" Kacey exclaimed as she swiped some eyeshadow onto my eyelid. "I'm really happy for you, Stells."

I felt my cheeks heat up. "Thanks," I murmured. "I honestly can't believe it myself." I paused, wanting to change the subject. " about you? Do you like anybody right now?"

This time it was her turn to blush. "There's...someone," she muttered. "But there's no way they like me back."

"Kacey, don't think like that!" I scolded. "Why do you think so? Are they taken?"

She bit her lip. "No...? I don't know...but I don't want to mention any names, because that would make it real and I don't know if I could handle that." I turned around to look at her understandingly.

"I get it," I reassured her. "You don't have to tell me, it's alright. Having a crush is scary," I laughed nervously.

She sighed, applying eyeshadow to my other eye. "That's the thing, though. Best friends should be able to tell each other these things-," A knock at the front door cut her off.

My eyes widened. "Seth," I breathed, my heart beating uncontrollably in my chest. "Is it seven already?" Kacey feigned irritation.

"I didn't even get to finish your makeup!" She whined. Before I could panic, she held up a mirror in front of me. "Just kidding," she giggled. I was speechless. I never really did my makeup, so on an average day I would look...well, average. But Kacey...she was a wizard with the makeup brush. I actually felt like I could take over the world right then and that I'd look good doing it. "Stells...please say something," she whispered. "If you don't like it, we could just-,"

"It's perfect," I interrupted, baffled that she'd even doubt her own skills. Another knock at the door made us jump.

"Stella? Kacey? It's me, Seth," his muffled voice called from outside.

"Crap," I muttered. "Kacey, thank you for using your amazing makeup skills on me, and for letting him pick me up here. Love ya! I'll probably have him drop me off here, too, if that's okay."

She grinned. "Yeah, of course! Zack would totally freak if he saw Seth dropping you off." She paused, shooing me towards the front door before pulling me into a big hug. "I hope you have the best night, Stella," She murmured, pulling away just far enough to look me in the eye. "I mean it. Now go get 'em, tiger," she winked.

I laughed, before I mustered all my courage to reach for the doorknob and turn it. When I opened the door, a wave of the scent of cologne hit me right in the nose. I had to keep myself from coughing. "Seth!" I beamed, stepping outside and closing the door behind me.

He smiled back, looking me up and down. "Stella! You look...unbelievably beautiful," he marveled. I felt my cheeks warm up.

"Thank you," I replied. "You, you also look beautiful. I, I mean, handsome. Er, you look great." I tripped over my words like Bella Swan tripped over air.

Seth laughed, before looking me in the eye and reaching for my hand. "Shall we?"

I took his hand, allowing our fingers to intertwine. I couldn't believe how...right this felt. I also still couldn't believe that I was actually going on a date with Seth. It didn't feel real. It was like a dream.

As he held the passenger-side door of his car open for me, I couldn't help but ask: "So...where are we going?"

Once I was in, he shut the door and got in on the driver's side. "It's a surprise," he chuckled.

"Well, lucky for you, I love surprises," I replied, a smile twitching the corners of my mouth as I tried not to break out in an idiotic grin.

"Yeah, we'll see about that," he laughed.

I giggled, furrowing my brows. "What?"

"What?" He echoed, just barely meeting my eyes for a second before he started his car. And then we were off. I couldn't help this burning curiosity that threatened to bubble over any second.

I had been bluffing. I didn't actually like surprises all that much. But it was too late to tell him that.


Yikes. It's been too long, guys! I miss you, and this story! How's everyone doing? The world has been so crazy lately! As always, don't forget to leave a vote and/or a comment if you enjoyed, and I'll see you in the next chapter!


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2020 ⏰

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