Cat Fights

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     We're Going To Greece!

Bianca P.O.V.

   "OMG ! OMG ! OMG!" " Were going to Greece weehee!" screamed my overly-excited roommate Tiffany.

"Calm down, we don't leave until the next 24 -hours,"I said.

Oh, by the way, my name is Bianca Jules. I live in West Virginia and I attend the Pittsburgh College. Tiffany Brian is my bestest friend and we've been friends from since second grade. The best part is that we were neighbours!I love that curly-haired freak out. I've never met someone with such excitement inside them.

"So, I'm just so excited!"she continued.

" Hey,is that my summertime fitted t-shirt you just stuffed in your bag?"I reached in and pulled it out.

"Uhh, not it isn't ," and in a split second the short was no longer in my grip and Tiffany was jumping up and down on the bed laughing.

"Please,please,please can I keep it?" she begged and then did those puppy dog eyes.

After some thought ,"Sure, it doesn't fit me anyway." Then the screaming began once again.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" and then I was on the floor being tackled in hugs by my best friend.

Tiffany P.O.V.

" Hey Bianca, you know what is so great about Greece?"

" Uh getting a good grade on our history report."

"Yes....there's that and...." "Meeting cute boys!"

Bianca stood there a while as if in deep thought and a grin slowly grew on her face.

Bianca and I were like total opposites, she's a work-freak and I'm carefree and that's what make everyday more fun to be with her.

I watched as Bianca walked up and down the room frantically in search of something.

"What you looking for Bi?"

" you...remember, the um..golden dear charmed necklace my grandmother gave to me for my sweet 16?"

"Don't tell me you lost it!"

That necklace was oh so sacred to Bianca and her entire family generation. Out of all her sisters, she was the one chosen to continue the family tradition.

I joined in the search as her facial expression seemed like she was getting more and more worried.

We searched in the most likely place it could be but to no avail.She even retraced her steps from yesterday which was the last time she wore it.

" Hey ,Bianca you said you wore it yesterday right?" I said hoping she would catch on. When she finally did, she started to touch around the base of her neck and pulled up the chain. A sigh of relief came from her and I was glad to see her happy again.

"Thanks for your help,"she said to me. "Okay Tiff lights out we have an entire day of travel tomorrow and I don't want to miss the flight and I'm sure you don't either."

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