The Kiss

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*Chris P.O.V.*

Bianca looked so good in that outfit it was quite hard to believe how she was still single. My thoughts were then interrupted by the skinny, blonde waitress asking to take our order.

"Chris, what is she saying?" Bianca whispered to me.

"Oh, right, she would like to know if you want the special."

"Sure." Bianca looked down at her menu for a while, "May I also have the deluxe milkshake?"

The waitress picked up our menus and left swishing her hips as she walked.

"Bianca, is it your first visit?" I needed to get the night going.

"Yeah, my roommate and I are on vacation actually, needed to get far,far away." she seemed a bit nervous as she fiddled with her fingers.

"You speak English quite well."

"I'm actually from the US and moved here 9 years ago."

*Bianca P.O.V.*

Chris and I talked and laughed most of the night. I wish this day would never end as I might not have another moment like this again.

The waitress returned you the with our food. The special was deep fried fish fillet which I enjoy.

I love Greece cafes!

"How's your food?" he asked.

"It smells fishy," I joked but knew it failed but he still giggled.



I searched my purse for my phone.

"Excuse me Chris white I take this." he nodded and I walked off with my phone.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey Bi, how's it going?" typical tiffany.

"Well it was going just fine until you called."

"Well then, I met some guys at the pool today and we're going to this party do you and Chris maybe wanna setting by afterwards?"

"Umm, I don't know Tiffany, maybe, maybe not. Don't be expecting me." " Now I have a date to get back to. Bye."

I shoved the phone in my purse and walked back to the table.

" Is everything okay?" Chris asked as I sat down.

"Just perfect!"

*1hr later*

*Bianca P.O.V.*

the night was going so well I lost track of time. I glanced at my watch to see 9:35pm.

"Ready to leave?" I looked back at Chris and nodded.

"Sure I guess." Then I remembered, "But my roommate Tiffany invited us to a party wanna go?"

"I'll go if you're coming." he smiled


*Cassie P.O.V. *

"We left the cafe like 15 minutes ago are you sure we're going the right way?" I knew we were lost.

"Well for one we are walking so it'll take more time and yes I do know where we're going. They are some-what friends of mine."

"I think I see disco lights," I pointed straight up a windy hill at the house on top.

The walk isn't so bad at least I'm here with someone really funny and amazing. We walk past the waters which glistened under the moon light.


"We're here!" Chris said.

"That was fast!"

"I'll go look for Tiffany and let her know we're here." I looked back at him but he was gone. Oh well, I thought it's a party!

I looked around the house which was filled with college students hopefully they spoke some English.

"Excuse me have you seen Tiffany?" I asked this tall, lanky boy. He had five empty beers around him and I just walked away at that moment. I pulled out my phone and dialed Tiffany cause this was useless.

"Hey Tiffany?!" it was so hard to heart her so I knew she was still here.

"Whoooooo!" what the.

"Tiffany where are you?!" I am really frustrated now.

"Girllll.....wh-at you..stress-ing for?" she was drunk. I knew it she was totally wasted. "I'm just chilling by the pooool."

"Wateva just don't go in, YOU CAN'T SWIM!" I hung up the phone and went to find the pool and save my roommate's life.

*Tiffany P.O.V. *

I really don't know what's Bi problem always stressing and never having fun. So lame!

I was sitting in the lounge chair by the pool when a really gorge dude came up to me and asked me my name.

"I'm Tiffany with 2, f's," he chuckled.

"Brad, nice to meet you. I don't think we've met. They don't have such beautiful girls like you here in Greece."

"Hi, Brad and yes I'll kiss you."

I leaned in and we were kissing when it stopped abruptly.

"Chris?!" I heard some girl say.

*Bianca P.O.V. *

"Chris?!" I said. He turned around and it was him!

"What is going on?!" Tiffany asked, "And whose Chris?" we were both looking at him now.

"Chris is my date!"

"Umm.. Bianca I ca-" Chris started.

"No the hell you can't."  I couldn't look at him anymore I just walked away really depressed that my first ever boyfriend kissed my bf before even kissing me! I knew it wasn't Tiffany's fault, she didn't know.

I had no ride so walked all the way home. I was down o. the main road when I heard Tiffany calling from behind.

"Bi wait up! C'mon Bianca!" I stopped and turned around and tried to look happy but that was really hard to do.

Tiffany wrapped her arms around me and whispered in my ear "I'm so sorry Bi, I would never want to hurt you in such a way, I  wouldn't want to hurt you at all." At that moment I burst into tears on my best friend's shoulder.

"Lets go home."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2014 ⏰

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