Bianca Meets Chris

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Bianca P.O.V.

Tiffany insisted that we started this vacation right, with a totally new wardrobe. We were now roaming through Greece going store to store and at everyone, something was bought.

We entered this modern mall and Tiff was eager to go get something to eat but I wanted to go to the jewelry store on the second floor. In the end, we went our separate ways and planned to meet later on by the water fountain to the center of the mall.

I was now at the door to the store when on of my bags burst and fell to the ground. I hastily started to pick them up and place them in another bag. Just as I stood up, I bumped into

someone. A fine someone.

"I'm soo sorry!"

"No it's okay, it's really my fault."

I was now beyond blushing. It was usually Tiff who got all the boys and I would lurk in her shadows whilst they flirted with her.

I hadn't realized that I was staring and he was trying to get my attention.

"Hello?" he asked but I still hadn't registered ,"Γεια σας?"

"What are you saying?" I looked up to his sparkling green eyes,his brown, silky hair behind him. He had a face of an angel with such masculinity.

"It means hello in Greek."

He was holding my hand even tighter now.

"Will I see you again?"

"Of course yes!", "But what's your name?"

"Chris Howard."

"I'm Bianca Jules."

He then pulled out a marker from his pocket and wrote his number on my arm.

He then walked off, seconds later turned around and said to me "How about we get some coffee at the cafe later on at around seven?"

"Wait...which one?" he just smirked and walked on.

I should probably go wait for Tiffany at the fountain like I promised.

As soon as I arrived Tiff was in flames.

"Where have you been!?" "Did you even get the jewelry you wanted so badly?"

"I-" she didn't even let me finish.

"I've been waiting here for the last fifteen minutes. I was beginning to think you were kidnapped or something."

"Tiffany!" It would've gone on for a long time if I hadn't stopped her.

"I'm sorry I'm late. It's because on my inside, I ran into someone and we're going on a date later today!"

"OH....MY.... GOD!" "I'm so happy for you!"

"He's super cute and probably about our age."

"We've got to get you something really cute to wear before the mall closes."

"I think we have enough clothes and gestured to the sum of twenty two bags each of us were carrying.

She just yanked my arm and I was brought to so many stores.

All this time I could not stop think about Chris and our date tonight. It's going to be one I will never forget.

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