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Louis p.o.v

What the hell was that? Did that really just happen? I just blew my cover! No one in this school knows I'm a virgin and nobody knows I'm gay! I can't believe that I just let Harry suck a love bite on my neck. I just need to get to practice.

"Oi Tommo where ya been?

Oh god what do I tell Niall.

"Just using the restroom..." I say hesitantly.

"Oi no you weren't, I see the lovebite by your ear." Oh my god Harry! My hand shoots up to cover it.

"Hahaha, you caught me, lets just practice yeah?"

Harry's p.o.v

I can't believe I just did that! I just kissed the fucking Louis Tomlinson! I ran out of the restroom and went to my first period where Liam was already there,and class had already started.

As I walk into the room all the eyes train on me. I rush to my seat and the teacher tells me I have detention. Great just what I need, I have to meet Dan after school today to help him finish up the job we were doing. While the teacher talked I took notes like any other "nerd" would. Class blew by and next thing I knew I was already on my way to detention.As I walk In the room I see Louis sitting in the back and he's also the only other person in here. "Are you Harry Styles?" "Yes sir." "Okay,you two are the only ones in detention so just sit here for an hour and then you guys can go." With that the teacher walks out the room and I take the seat by Louis.

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