The alley.

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*Harry's POV*

Once the teacher exited the classroom I turned to look at Louis but he was staring blankly at his desk. "Are you okay?" I subtly asked him, he turned and looked at me and kinda just stared at me for about a good two minutes before I interrupted him, "Take a picture it lasts longer."  and with that Louis sat on my desk and cupped my cheeks and forcefully put his lips to mine. I kissed back at first but then I pulled away, I can't get attached to him, I can't. " I I'm sorry I don't know w-what came over me." " Louis don't be sorry I enjoyed it but, I'm just not the guy you need." saying that made me want to rip my heart out." W- what do you mean?" " Look Louis I like you a lot but your 'the guy' at school and I'm 'the nerd' nobody knows your gay, and I know you don't want to come out any time soon, and honestly who would want to date me, but I'm not even looking for a relationship right now so I'm sorry I came onto you like that in the bathroom earlier."

*Louis' POV*

I can't believe what Harry just said I've liked him for a while now and he just what even, just why? Anger starts to boil inside me and I can t help the words that are about to spill out of my mouth. " Harry I would never date an idiot like you your just some ugly faggot who I was just gonna shag and drop, I'm sorry you thought we could've been more." I was standing up to leave when the teacher walked back in and announced we could go, perfect timing. Hopefully I can get out of her before I start to fucking cry. I run out of the classroom and turn around to see Harry walking a ways behind me with his head hung low. I feel so bad but I just want him to be mine and he says he doesn't want to be in a relationship! what the fuck? I looked back again before I exit the school to see he's still looking down but I hear him sniffle, and I can't take it anymore and I just run to my car because I can't stop the tears from falling. Once I get in my car I just sit there with my head on the steering wheel, trying to calm down. Once I've calmed down I pull out of the parking lot and decide to drive around town so I can just calm my nerves, I decide to head towards Zayns tattoo shop because I think I might get one, but once I get closer I see a familiar curly head of hair but in different clothing and is walking with a different backpack towards the alley by the shop. I keep driving slowly by him and he doesn't seem to notice me lurkin which is good,but then he looks to his left and his right before he disappears in the alley.


sorry I suck at updating my life is kinda going haywire right now, so I hope you enjoy this chapter I'll try to update as soon as I can.

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