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A gasp rolled out to her mouth, hyerin was shocked to see jungkook in this place, but she is more likely embarassed to see him watch her current state.

she was too shock to comprehend the happenings when jungkook walked close to her. she didn't even looked up to him as she was embarrassed that she had the disease.

jungkook too, was shocked to see her at this state, but more likely to be shocked by the colorful petals that ran across the bathroom floor. he bent down and picked up a fistful petals and observed them. a gasp escaped his lips.

" It's rose, daffodil, and dandelion. It's mixed." he said, confusion was present in his voice.

hyerin looked to see what jungkook was talking about, only to see a very colorful bathroom floor, it is covered by petals, her petals.

she was taken aback as she observed the petals only causing a thousand question to appear in her head.

'how come it's colorful?'

this was the only question that lingered in her head.

jungkook carried hyerin to his bed without any problems, she was too weak to resist and to stressed to argue.

he went back to the bathroom and cleaned up the petals. a flush was heard before he stepped out.

unbeknownst to her, a hand with a glass of water appeared in front of her.

she accepted it without any words, while jungkook sat opposite her, on his bed.

"why are you here?" She asked, completely confused as why jungkook was here when they have a luxurious House.

"i am here because I want to be independent, and I don't want to see my brother and yo-..never mind." he said, he panicked as he almost tell her the main reason why she was in this state.

"Why are you here?" he asked her quickly to get out of that topic as he saw her face with a troubled and confused expression.

a blush spread to her face, she didn't even knew why she was there.

" I-I..I was looking around." she stuttered,she cursed to the air, she wondered why she can't think straight when he is there.

a chuckle burst out from his lips, he found it funny when she's flustered. It made her head sprung up only to see a jungkook looking like a cute bunny.

a chuckle escaped her lips as she watched him laugh. the whole place was surrounded by a  warm feeling.

"so.. why did you have it?" he asked as the laughter died down.

"I thought you knew?" she asked confused.

"I knew you liked my brother not in a best friend way... but I never knew you would have..." he said looking straight in the eye.
It caused hyerin to feel small which she wondered why.

"I- I don't like your brother, I love him... but it-"

"But it hurts to see he don't like you back and loved someone else." he cut her off.

"And that's the reason why you have it." he added.

she lowered her head, she couldn't agree more.

the air in the room suddenly changed, from warm to awkward.

"I will also tell you a story, It's about me and m-.." jungkook was cut off by a loud knock on the door.

"I'll get it." he said walking out, leaving hyerin who was full of curiosity of what he might have said.

"Yah hyung, I told you to stop going to the club, you're having too much nonsense in your life!" jungkook shouted, it caused hyerin to be curious so she walked outside of the bedroom and to the living room where she found jungkook scolding an unknown boy.

"Oh kookie, you bought a girl!" the unknown guy exclaimed as it is the first time.

"woah, you have a great taste.." hyerin only smirked as she heard the statement making her confidence boost, she looked at jungkook, looking for some answers. but he himself was flustered by what his hyung said.

"hyung, why you so heavy?" He rants as he carried the older boy to his room.

hyerin after seeing this, helped jungkook to carry the unknown guy. hyerin could sense that he's drunk by reeked alcohol that surrounded him.

as they were walking, she couldn't helped, but to stare at the unknown guy. she observed the long lashes that emphasized his eyes, the tan smooth face, the pink soft lips, he is handsome. she couldn't help but to stare at it, she didn't even noticed that the unknown guy was observing her.

"hey, why you looking ?" she was flustered knowing she was caught staring at him yet she shrugged it off with a sly smirk.

"hyung stop imagining things, why would she look at you when you're not close to so called beauty?" jungkook fired back causing the drunk unknown guy to shush him.

they reached the unknown guy's room and hyerin helped jungkook to toss him on the bed.

sigh. they looked up to see his arms and feet were everywhere. he was in a mess.

"I'm going to make a porridge, this hyung will have a very bad hangover..." he said as he excused himself.

hyerin was left there, she helped the unknown guy to remove his clothes, leaving his pants on, she noticed kiss marks on his chests, noticed the abs, the chiseled muscles, noticed the perfect body of his, she couldnt help but bit her lips.

she was having a wild thought that she started to shake her head to remove such unholy thoughts. she was about to go when the unknown guy grabbed her hands, causing her to turn back around.

"you think I didn't know that you've been staring?" he said, his dark orbs staring unto hers.

" so wha if im looking at you? is it mean to look?" she said as she traced a finger down his jaws. their space growing small, yet she didnt even complain.

"hyung, stop messing around hyerin." jungkook whined as he saw his hyung's hand wrapped around hyerin's wrist.

she made sure to walk slowly and painfully for him to watch. 

they were having some game they only knew off.

"I think I might go home now." she stated as she locked up to the clock.

"oh.. ok, I'm going to walk you out." he said with a desperate face.

"oh ok, but is your "hyung" ok with it?" she said emphasizing the word hyung.

"nope surely not, he's going to sleep for the next 12 hours." He said chuckling.

"Then let's go." she said while linking her arms to his and started walking out.

jungkook was utterly speechless, he is not fond of the skinship, neither the closeness of  them. he was aware that the butterflies on his stomach was erupting.

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