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SIX forty- three in the evening. Hyerin was binge watching some series when her phone buzzed. It's Wonwoo.

" Hyerin, please come, I have some important things to tell you." He said , his voice was raging hard, even Hyerin herself couldn't distinguish  ny emotions in them.

" Why, what happened?" She said, she stood up and began walking back and forth- her habit when she's nervous.

" Please come Rin..." He said begging so hard that she started to think he was crying due to his uneven breathing.

She didn't wait any longer and rushed out of her room and to the flight of stairs. She was running like it's the end of her life, as if she was chasing the time. She was about to run when her mother dragged her.

"Mom I need to go Wonw-.." she was cut of by her mother.

" Wear this and come out after..and no buts buts." Taeyeon said as she saw the attempt of her daughter to argue.

Hyerin sigh in defeat, she can't do anything but to obey her mother. She wore the white sleeveless gown and walked outside with a grumpy face. Taeyeon ignored her daughter's face and continued to style her. After putting some coloring to her face, Taeyeon was now done with Hyerin and came out after styling herself too.

"Mom, why are we dressing up?" She asked.

" Secret.." Taeyeon with a hint of excitement in her voice.

" My beautiful ladies, are we done?" Baekhyun interrupted, he wore a luxurious tuxedo with matching necktie to his wife's gown.

" Just right in time." Taeyeon smile and linked arms with her husband going out.

 They rode a limousine, on there way to the place where Hyerin was still wondering where, her head was filled with questions.

' What happened to him?'

' What is the important thing?'

'Where are we going?'

' Is it more important than him?

' Can I escape?'

Her questions came to a halt. they arrived at a familiar place, in which she couldn't pin point where she did have seen them. 

A gasp rolled out of her mouth, the familiar marbled floor to the elegant white walls, they were at Wonwoo's house.

She looked confused, troubled to say, troubled to ask things.

"Why are we here?" The question came as a whisper to Taeyeon as she was observing her wondering daughter. She pressed her lips together.

" We are here because they're going to announce something important." She was timid with her words.

"Oww." Hyerin answered she knew her mother was hiding something, but she knew she was right about that special announcement, why would they have wore such dresses and why would that invite such elegant and rich people when it's not important?

Hyerin was having a talk with a bunch of friends, when suddenly, Mr. Jeon stood up and asked the guest for their attention.

" I just want people to know how thankful we are that you all are here, to my son's special day." He smiled while looking to his son, Wonwoo. Wonwoo stood up and all eyes were now on him. He took his time to talk.

Hyerin's eyes were now glassy, she knew where this is going to go, she knew she would be a mess after hearing this, but she has to, or at least she thought. She has to know who the lucky girl is. She was jealous.

" First of all, you were here to be a witness of my proposal..." his eyes was looking at the people, he was searching for someone.

" Second, I want to talk to this special girl to my life." He said as he saw the one he was searching for.

She was confused as why Wonwoo was smiling at her and what he was talking about. Her thoughts discardes when her eyes followed to the walking Wonwoo who was now on his way to her.

" Hi" He said, causing the lass to jump out out surprise. He extended his hands for her to take, with a shaking hand, she accepted it.

She was thinking that it might be the last time she would hold his hand before getting married.

A tear escaped to her glassy eyes and she was quick to wipe it.

" Everyone, this is Hyerin, my best friend." He said as they arrived at the stage. The words he said was like a knife that stabbed her repeatedly.

" She was my savoir, my sister, my companion, she was the best of the best of the best best friend I've ever had. She was amazing and without her, I would be a mess." He said, the sincerity was shown in his eyes as they looked at hers.

She felt the burning sensation on her stomach, she needed to get out there.

" Without her, I wouldn't have had a chance to meet the girl that made me feel more. She was the girl that I have fallen, the girl I'm crazy about, the girl I always adore, the girl that I'm going to marry." He looked behind her, there stood her sister.

The burning sensation was now on her chest. The tears that had dried up was now a pool in her eyes.

" Everyone, meet my soulmate, Soojung." The guest roared with cheering and claps. They were beyond happy with the couple.

Soojung was there to notice the wide smile on her sisters face, she smiles back only to notice the threatening tears to flow. She walked to her and engulf her to a comforting hug.

" Wow, Unnie, I'm very very happy for you and my best friend." Hyerin said as she returned the hug back, she blinked her tears back.

The older sister chuckled and let go of the hug, she then went to Wonwoo who was now kneeling down with one knee.

Hyerin's stomach dropped as she watched the man she loved proposed to the woman he loved.

The  crowd went wild as Soojung shouted a 'Yes' to him.

She couldn't held it anymore, she ran off the stage she sure no one noticed, she went to the comfort room and locked it. The contents in her stomach was now on the toilet. As the last petal rolled out, the tears started to fall. She could hear her heart break as she remembered the scene unravel before her eyes.

She sat there for the the next thirty minutes, hardly moving before fixing herself up. She breathed in and out before opening the door. A warm embrace engulfed her, she was indulged in a sudden comfort she was missing, the scent was relaxing, the hug was comforting.

" Jungkook" She said breathless as she removed herself to his grip.

" Let's go out." He stated before carefully dragging the broken girl, he knew any moment or anything can trigger her.

After ten minutes of driving in silence, they have arrived his apartment room.

" So you knew." The lass said as they were sitting on the balcony, it was 10:51 p.m., the stars was proudly shining, pearing againts all odds, not caring what beyond lies ahead of them.

He pressed his lips, causing a sigh escaped her mouth. She was trying so hard not to cry.

" I have always been aware that my brother is in love with your sister, ever since I have arrived here, but I'm also aware of your feelings for him." He stated that caused her eyes to look from the stars to his eyes.

Her looked caused him to feel warm, before noticing the pain in her eyes. He stood up and walked, sat down close to her.

"Cry, just cry" Jungkook said as he brought her head to his shoulders, without any seconds, she was a crying mess.

"I know it hurt, I've been there. The cries, the pain, the vomiting, I've been there." Hyerin stooped crying and looked at him.

She swore she saw a tear escaped his eyes to be followed by another and next it was countless. She brought his crying form in her warm hug. He sobbed uncontrollably, without knowing, they were crying at at each others hug; such warm and secure feeling.

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