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TWELVE midnight. Taehyung was tongue tied, this kind of situation was new to him, too surreal for him. There stood a girl who made his heart beat faster every second, his form was drunk, his chest rise up and down erratically, his eyes was blurred, yet that didn't stop him to stare at the girl infront him.

He stared at her despite of his drowsy head, bobbing side to side. The constant sound on her phone made him to stop sleeping.

The girl chuckled on how the the boy was restraining himself to fall of the stool where he was sitting at.

He captured her smiling face to his mind, he was greatly astonished at how glowing her porcelain face was, she was very pretty. He pictured the girl to be so cold, yet here she is, laughing her head out.

" Why you laughing?" His slurred words made the girl to stop laughing and smile.

" Nothing, you're just cute." She answered.

" You're cute too." He answered, pink flushed. He was flustered.

The girl was now hanging her head down low, she was shy, she and her demure personality wasn't fond of people complimenting her.

" You're so cute that I wanted to carry you around inside my pocket." He answered, ignoring his doubtful mind at what he was saying. The girl was the one that caused him to feel such kind of feeling.

" Wow, you're so straightforward, might as well add that you're handsome." He smirked at the statement she had said.

The club was loud, but their place was solemn.

" Did you know you're beautiful?" He asked, staring intently at her dark brown orbs.

She tried to calm her heart by clutching her shirt, scared that her heart might leap out her chest.

" Are you okay?" He asked now walking towards her form.

" No, my heart... I'm having my heart attack." She exaggeratedly act.

" Is it because of me?" He asked.

" Maybe yes, maybe no." She smiled.

" How bad. Hey you miss pretty, you know that you're mine right?" He asked, whispering to her ear as he was leaning to her, helding onto her for support.

She was caught off guard, not knowing what to say.
She just nod.

" Good then." He said.

His lips was latched on hers, leaving her no choice, but to accept it. They were at their own world.

It was such a lovely and sweet kiss, not to lie, but only to be interrupt by his soft snores.

________ ________

11:53 p.m. Jungkook and Hyerin decided to go clubbing. They decided to loosen up a bit as they thought their awkwardness will go away.

They were talking with topics regarding to their childhood.

" I was crying my heart out when Wonwoo hyung had broke my Buzz lightyear action figure. He said it was so noisy that it distracted him from reading a book." He said, shoving a whiskey after. He laughed at the memory.

" I cried when I was being ignored at the house." She said, not knowing what to say making her kips into a straight line. His smile quickly faltered as she said that.

Silence was in between them.

" I'm going to the restroom, I'll be back." She said as she excused herself.

He figured that maybe her childhood wasn't that good.

A good 12 minutes had passed, yet Hyerin was nowhere to be found. He frequently refill his glass as it constanly be empty, only to be filled with loneliness.

He tried to call her, but no avail. He was growing impatient and drunk as the time pass by.

" Where have you been?" He said, only to her surprise.

" Uhm I thi-.."

" Do you know how worried I am?" His tone was soft, but his eyes were flaring, it was filled with much sadness and loneliness.

He quickly cut her before she could even respond, his lips had made it to hers.

Her eyes shot wide and was trying to stop him, but his grip was strong.

He removed his lips and stared at her eyes. Something's strange, he thought, he was constantly lost in her glossy eyes.

" I'm sorry, but I'm just worried that something might had happened to her." His slurred words made her flaring mind to calm, he was drunk.

But without anything said, she ran away, from his grip, from him.

He didn't do anything, as he thought it was his fault as why she ran away. He sat there, hardly moving. Just sat there and shove drinks down his throat.

A cold hand pat his sober form, he reluctantly lift his head up only to see the girl.

" uhm..hi.."

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