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Prince’s POV

Hello my name is Jacob Perez the geek of the school and I'm 17 years old. I wear big huge glasses and higher then my waist pants, with slacks don’t forget! I am a really cool person I read books I hand in my projects and assignments earlier that told, and I'm a straight A student.

I get bullied on a daily basis because what I do and wear. I am human how come I can’t get treated like a normal person? Its okay anyway because I do have a best friend his name is Craig. Wait hold on my cellular device is ringing.

"Hello?" "Hey Jacob guess what" Craig said "Are we going to space to discover aliens on mars?" I said "No Jacob I'm coming over to your house and I'm going to dress you so that you can get your stupid bully to love you"

That’s when all my geekiness went away and my sweet boy came in "Craig please no Chresanto will never love me please no" "Yes Mr. Perez I'm at your bedroom door open up" Craig said. I hung up and walked to the door opening it letting him in

"Craig Pl-" I tried to say

"Open your closet Jacob!" 

"But what if he’s not a homosexual like us please, Craig you have to understand"

"Listen Jacob Mr. August here is bisexual when he see’s you wearing all this sexy clothes like this he will talk to you so Open Your Closet!!" He spoke

"Fine if he ignores me then you have to tell Rayon you like him" I said while smirking

"I- I a-lready told h-im" He said

"You WHATTTT!" I screamed

"I told Rayon about you liking Chresanto and Rayon told me to prove it that he can be cute so I I'm Yeahh" He said scratching the back of his neck


"That's why I'm here Jake" Craig said smiling a bit.

10 Minutes Later

"Omg Prince you look sexy asf,if we were not best friends Dayum I would hit it" Prod said "Aw thanks your always sexy that’s why I'm glad I have you  as a sexy best friend" I said he leaned forward for a hug and I gladly hugged him. "Now lets go, and get your man" Prod said

At School

"Jacob are you ready? He’s coming with my bae" Prod said licking his lips "I'm really scared Craig" I said "its okay I got you" he said. Rayon and Chresanto walked over to Craig and I and just looked at us for a good minute I smiled at Chresanto but he didn't return it, he just looked at me with disgusted.

"Listen to me homosexual idiots  We don't like you and you shouldn't like us because we can make your life hell. So if you dare to look at us or even talk about us we will torment you until you leave this school" Chresanto said. "And plus even if we did like you we would have used you idiots cause we know your both rich" Ray added

"R-Ray" Prod said crying "Y-ou" before he could finish his words people began to crowd around and chant "We Hate Homosexuals!" "We Hate Homosexuals!" "We Hate Homosexuals"

And the 2 boys we thought that liked us turned on us and still bully us till this day. This happened 2 months when school started and its still happening. Why Do We Love My Bully’s?   


You like or naw that was just alil more coming soon.





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