Sweet & Sour

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Jacob's POV

Its been 3 weeks since the incident had happened. I haven't gone to school since, neither has Craig. Mommy and Tasha have been asking us What happened? and Who did this to us? But we refuse to tell them.

"Craig, do you ever think that Chresanto will fall for me ever?" I asked him. "Jacob I don't know I just want Rayon to stop beating me up, and just wrap his arms around me and be my-" he began to cry I moved over a bit and wrapped my arms around him comforting him, and telling him it would be okay because we have each other.

"Jacob, I'min love with Rayon, but I'm just gonna give up on him. I can find someone way better then Rayon, and that person will treat me like the king that I am" he said wiping away his tears "And I can give up on Chresanto because he might kill me but I have someone in mind" I said thinking about him "Who Diggy boo?" Craig asked "How you know that?" I asked and giggled "I can see right through you Jake" He said.

"And who's yours Latimore?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest and smirking not looking at him.

"N- wait Yes! How did you know? " He asked, "Cj I can see right through you" I laughed. "its not funny" he said trying not to smile "You know you wanna laugh" I said. We looked at each other and westarted to laugh.

Next Day

Craig's POV

Today was the day that Jacob and I get our casts off. I was so excited because I wanted freedom, I wanted to be able to beat Jacob up, I wanted to be Free. "You can't beat me up Cj" Jake said cheesing "Oh yeah you will see when we get home no mercy" I said "Mr Perez!" the doctor said. Jacob had got up and followed the doctor 5 Minutes later he came out happier than ever. Jacob took off his leg cast and his arm cast, I have to take the same thing off. "Mr Crippen" He called my name and I got up walking behind him, Jacob smiled at me and pushed me off my balance and I fell "Good luck boo."

He laughed and didn't help me up he just kept laughing and he walked away back to the waiting room. The doctor looked behind him and noticed that I was struggling to get up, he rushed over and and helped me up. " I hadn't noticed that you had fallen" he said "Its okay, Mr. Perez just pushed me that's all" I said laughing a little bit. "Okay um follow me" he said.

"Sit on the bed please" He said I did as told and he began to talk "Mr. Crippen do you go to Crenshaw high?" He asked "Umm Yes I do, Why?" I questioned "My son Jacob Latimore goes there and he has a huge crush on someone named Craig Crippen." He said cutting my arm cast off. "Um okay" I blushed hard "And I wa-"

Someone had came into the room ranting about something "Dad He wasn'there today I mi- as soon as he laid his eyes on me his eyes got huge and so did his "Friend" "H-Hey C-Craig" he said scratching the back of his neck. "Hi JL " I said blushing. By now the doctor had taken off my leg cast and left.

"I guess my dad had told you that I have a huge crush on you" he said scratching the back of his neck "Yeah he did and um I have a bigger one on you" I said blushing "No I have had a crush on you since first grade, I win" he said laughing "You are such a goofball" I said laughing "I am? Well I would love to be your goofball" he said smiling "How could I say no Yes ill be your baby" "Mhh can I get some lips please?" he asked walking forward, "Of dayum course bae" I pulled him towards me and he leaned in and began to kiss me passionately.

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