"Jacob?" (Final Chapter)

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Chresanto's POV

Chresanto watched everything that was going on down on earth, he knew for a fact that Jacob wouldn't be alright without him. Everyone knew but it would be hard for him to find that out by himself.

"I Love You Too Jacob" Chres said watching Jacob talk about him

"I will be careful up here Afro puff, I Love You" Chres said.

But soon enough Jacob would be able to see Chres again

Jacob's POV

It's been 3 months since we have buried Chresanto. Jacob has been going crazy he's been seeing things, drinking, smoking weed and been doing drugs. It's been really hard for Jacob to get over the fact that Chresanto had died. Diggy and Latimore have been trying to get down his pants, and he's just been blocking everyone out of his life, like his mom Rayon, and his very own best friend Craig.

Jacob has been going to Chresanto's grave for the whole 3 months and just been telling him what happened throughout his day, and telling Chres how he misses him a day how he wants to just be with him.

"CHRESANTO!!!!!" Jacob cried into his pillow "COME BACK TO ME I MISS YOU" Jacob yelled into his pillow while looking at a picture of Chres "PLEASE CHRESANTO" Jacob had said that and his mom walked in "Hijo Craig is here and he says he's gonna talk to you now, these are his exact words" "Okay mom" I said "Let him come in" I added.

"Hey Jake" His voice made me feel happy "Hey Cj!" I said with a big smile on my face "I missed you, it's been 3 months since we have talked" he said sitting on my bed not looking at me. I looked at him and thought back its really been 3 months since I've talked to Cj and I missed it and Rayon and my mom. "It has been, hasn't it" I said touching his hand "I missed you Cj"I said hugging him tightly. "Yeshhh Is the Jake I knew from birth back?" He asked "Yes I'm back"air said hugging him tighter. "Yo-ur gon-na ki-ll m-e" Craig said unable to breath "OMG I'm so sorry" I said laughing while letting him go.

"So um are you and Rayon still going strong?" I ask winking "Yess we are!!!! Guess what he said yesterday" Cj saig smiling face hard What did he say" I asked looking at him "He said we are gonna get married and no one is going to part us" He said smiling at me "Awww Cj that's so cute" I said "And he also said that where gonna have like 4 kids together and um he also gave me this" I looked down and there was an engagement ring on his wedding finger.

"OMGGGGG CRAIGGGG YOUURRR GETTING MARRIED" I yelled " Yes Jake I'm getting good married to Rayon the love of my life" he said.

To be honest I was happy but I wanted that to happen to me and Chresanto, but God does things for a reason right ;) "Cj Um Ideally need to see Chresanto I really do" I say. Be nods his head and says he will drive.

The Grave

Chresanto's POV

"Another visit From Jacob, Chresanto" God said "I know I really miss him thought When am I gonna see him again?" I ask "Listen to Jacob" God says and disappears.

"Hey Chres, Craig's here also. I really miss you and I know your probably bored of me saying that everyday, but I do miss you and I do love you and I really wish you were down here with me right now." Jacob began to cry "I wish I could cry on your shoulder and tell you about my day, but you probably know what happened today but I miss you and I have to go to Rayon's house because he has some explaining to do with asking Cj's hand in marriage" Jake says with a sassy voice. "Yes Rayon go ahead and get what's yours" I say laughing.

Jacob's POV

"Okay Cj Let's go to Rayon's house" I say grabbing get his hand Okay but wh-" "No we are leaving now lets go" said Jacob pulling Craig.

Rayon's house

Craig's POV

"RAYOOONNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!! OPEN THE DOOOORRRRR!!!! WE NEED TO TALKKK!" Jake said banging on the door. Rayon had came to the door and opened it with no shirt on. Jacob began to knock his abs thinking the door was still closed "Okay chill Jacob the door is open" Rayon said grabbing his hands. "Why are you going to marry Cj?" he asked "Because..... I love him" babe said, I giggled "Hey baby" he said to me "Hi Bae"I said batting my eyes "I missed my fiancé" he said pulling me into the house, I giggled "Did yall forget I was here!!!!!!!!" Jacob yelled

"Sorry I just haven't seen him in a while" I said kissing Rayon on the cheek. "Bae I seen you an hour ago" Ray said. "Shut up!!" I yell while hitting the him in the chest.

"You guys have fun I'm going home see you at school" Jacob says leaving. "Okay bye bestie"I say while Ray squeezes my assistance. "Stop it you horny thing" I giggle "Then come ride daddy" Ray said pulling Craig in."Fine daddy" I say.

Jacob's POV

I set the bathtub to run at a high temperature, I plugged the whole for the bath and waited a few minutes to fill up. 5 Minutes later I came back and it was all full. I stripped off my clothes and looked at myself one last time before I hoped in "I love you Chresanto" I walked over to the bathtub and it was empty. He gasped.

"Jacob what are you doing?"

Jacob turned around. Jacob was shocked. He was shocked at the fact that Chresanto was standing right in front of him. That brought tears to Jacob's eyes he looked at Chresanto and stuttered the words out of his mouth "Chre-santo ba-by" "I Missed u too baby boy, I love you too" Jacob didn't say it but he knew Jacob was thinking it.


Sorry if it's messed up but wattpad was being dumb

Hey guys it over WLWWL is over Sequel is coming it gonna be called "Angel (Royce) Thank you guys It might come out sometime this week so look for it I live you guys thanks 4 the votes comments and love thank you I love you until next time <3




It's over


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