The last thing Emily remember were the head lights of a truck heading towards them and Justin putting his arm in front of Emily trying to protect her.
After that, complete darkness...
Her eyes fluttered open and all she could see was a blur, she looked to her right and she saw trees outside two that held the car from rolling down the hill. Then it struck her...
She looked towards the front of the car and saw the windshield broken. And the car hood was dented, when she looked to her left she saw him...
His head was leaning against the steering wheel, his arm hanging loose toward the ground when she realized... the other, was holding her hand. It was a horrifying sight, blood streaming down from his forehead down to his face, he was taking small breaths. He was still alive, but for how long?
Emily shook his shoulders and tried to wake him up.
"Justin wake up please.." she said through a cracking weak voice.
"Justin please!" she said her voice still cracking but a bit louder now. she opened the panel in the roof and realized, they were in a ditch down a mountain at least 300 feet down only supported by the two trees. Suddenly she heard his voice,
"Emily,.." he said weaker then her.
"Yes Justin?" she responded through her tears and cracking voice. He squeezed her hand weakly but she knew it was a squeeze and she knew what it meant. 'I love you...'
"I love you too..." she said crying he smiled weakly as she collapsed over him hugging him as tightly as she could feeling like if she let go she would lose him then his hand fell weakly from hers like a rag doll. She understood what just happened, the love of her life, her best friend, the one she planned to be with forever and always...was gone. Her cries grew louder and she just remembered that smile, those eyes, that laugh, that humor all she would never see or hear again.
She heard the sirens wailing, the ambulance was heading over and she heard voices, probably the police men questioning the truck driver and the ambulance attending him. Then someone called out.
Emily was weak and her heart was broken but she managed,...for Justin.
"WE ARE HeRE" she yelled back her voice cracking.
And then,..she collapsed and back to darkness.
After that when she opened her eyes there was a light shinning at them, it was a doctor.
"Where's Justin?" she asked weakly. lifting her head up to look around but as soon as she did everything went blurry.
"Woah mam' you are going to have to stay laying down." the doctor told her laying her back down.
"Where is my boyfriend!?" she asked again a bit louder.
"Do you mean the young man?" the doctor asked.
"Yes...his name is Justin.."
She waited for a 'he's in a coma he's fine' or 'he's doing alright just a concussion' but no. Instead she got:
"Mam'.... we're sorry.. he-he's dead."
And her whole world collapsed, her heart sank into her stomach. She didn't want to believe it. And then the truck driver passed by her and the doctor, all the rage inside her exploded and she jumped out of the blankets laying down on the ground and she lunged after him.
"HOW DARE YOU!" She yelled scratching at him and he just blocked his face,
"YOU TOOK AWAY THE MAN I LOVE FROM ME!" She continued but this time not so much a threatening yell than a sobs yell.
doctors tried holding her back but she broke free of their grasps and lunged back toward the trucker, until she felt a needle go through her shoulder and the whole world began spinning and her voice grew weaker as she slowly fell yelling:
"HOW DARE YOu, You, bastard!..." and then her voice died as she fell asleep.
Her last sight as she closed her eyes was a body with a blanket over it, she knew this meant the person is deceased. Then she noticed it was Justin's hair...
She still didn't want to believe it. 'It's all a dream' she told herself, 'your just dreaming' she assured herself. But it wasn't she woke with the doctors closing the doors on the ambulances back truck or whatever it was. She didn't care at that moment all she wanted to do was have Justin hug her and tell her everything was gonna be okay, but that wasn't an option. So she just cried herself to sleep, she dreamt about him. Every moment with him and every word he had told her the only thing that she couldn't get out of her head was the sight of him in the car and his last words to her within that squeeze, she didn't want to remember. earlier it had been she didn't want to picture life without him but now,... now she didn't want to remember the moment her life changed to living without him.
The whole ride to the hospital the doctor tried conversations with her but it didn't work, she just laid there. Her life a mess, her heart broken, and her tears streaming down her face, although she didn't move a single muscle in her face from the serious expression she held as they slid down her cheeks. That was the first time she looked down at herself there seemed to be blood from Justin on her shirt and she had a towel wrapped around her leg, what was that for? she had no clue but there was blood leaking on the towel and her side had a cut. she lifted her hand and touched her forehead, it stung at the touch. she looked in a mirror above one of the doctors and she had a cut across her forehead, not as deep or as long as the one on Justin's, and hers was at least 3 inches long across her forehead.
At the hospital the doctors went through Emily's call log and dialed her mom, she wondered what would happen if she dialed his number now? But she couldn't continue to think cause every thought of him burst her into tears. why her? why now? why him? it wasn't fair and she just wanted him to be by her side at that moment saying 'it's okay Emma, it's okay I'm here, I'll always be here...forever' but when he said it he was correct. He did spend every moment in his forever to make her wish come true, and he did spend every moment in his forever with her as he wanted to. But she still didn't agree with that fact, she wanted him to be with her forever, and not his forever but her forever. one that would last longer.
Morning came and Emily hadn't slept all night when her parents and Justin's walked through the door, all of them in tears but Justin's moms green eyes full of tears and she walked over to Emily,
"I'm so sorry" she told her and continued crying into Emily's shoulder.
"I'm sorry too," Emily said. Then Justin's dad walked over to the bed.
"He loved you kid and he told us he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you."
"He did..." Emily said weakly.
another shitty love story
Teen FictionEmily Johnson is in highschool, in the middle of the year she has to move to a new school in Bennet called Custer high from Douglas and to a new house. shes not very social considering shes a girk (geek+girl) who loves to read and is obsessed with H...