4 - The Past, The Present, and The Psychopath

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Sorry for the cliffhanger! Back to the story...

P.s. Remember, I don't edit anything before I post it so don't make fun of my bad grammar!

River's POV

"How did you find me, Brody?"

"It's not hard tracking down somebody when you really want to find them. I've missed you so much baby. Come give me a kiss." He said as he licked his lips and took a step in my direction.

"Stop it! Stop right there! Don't you understand that I don't want you? Leave me alone!" I started crying and backing away slowly as he kept making his way closer to me.

"Baby girl, you know I don't like to see you cry. Let me hold you. I just want you to love me again. We used to have so much damn fun." He closed the distance between us so we were only about 6 feet apart now.

"Oh so you just wanted to hold me when you tried to rape me, or when you almost killed me by running me off the road? And we had sooooo much fun when you snuck into my bedroom and beat my face with your fists because I wouldn't have sex with you! You didn't mind seeing me cry then! I spit in his direction. "You make me sick, Brody. Your'e nothing but a desperate psychopath!" I finally stood up to Brody after all that he has done to me and as soon as the words left my mouth, I got very dizzy. I backed up against my oak tree and slid down onto the ground. I don't remember anything else. Just blackness.

Scout's POV

I was so lost in the sweet sound of River's voice that I didn't realize that someone had walked up on the other side of her until I heard the twig snap. I don't know who the hell this guy thinks he is sneaking up on my mate like that. And he has a hint of wolf on his scent. From the looks of it this guy know's he's half wolf. He's buff and he has the lusting black eyes of a wolf. He better not fucking try anything with her or there will be hell to pay. I'm gonna sit back and watch what she says to him. I'll be right here if she needs any backup.

"How did you find me, Brody?" Her angelic voice came out sounding strained and sad.

"It's not hard tracking down somebody when you really want to find them. I've missed you so much baby. Come give me a kiss." He said as he licked his lips and took a step in her direction. FUCK NO.

"Stop it! Stop right there! Don't you understand that I don't want you! Leave me alone!" Seeing my mate cry like that made something inside me snap. This shit dick is not leaving here without black eyes and a shit ton of broken bones.

"Baby girl, you know I don't like to see you cry. Let me hold you. I just want you to love me again. We used to have so much damn fun." He closed the distance so they were only about 6 feet apart now.

"Oh so you just wanted to hold me when you tried to rape me, or when you almost killed me by running me off the road? And we had sooooo much fun when you snuck into my room and beat my face with your fists because I wouldn't have sex with you! You didn't mind seeing me cry then! You make me sick, Brody. Your'e nothing but a desperate psychopath!"

WHAT THE FUCK DID SHE JUST SAY HE DID TO HER?!?! NOBODY LAYS A HAND ON MY MATE!!! My mind went blank. All I could see was pure red rage and hatred through my eyes. I couldn't control my wolf form from exploding out of my body any longer seeing her on the ground passed out and helpless like that and him moving closer to her by the second. This half breed dick head was about to get a taste of a pure bred fucking alpha.

I jolted out of the undercover of branches that I was watching this exchange from just as my clothes ripped to shreds and I transformed into a solid brown wolf with black tips. The fucker had the audacity to let out a wimpy growl that was supposed to sound menacing to me. So I let out a growl so ferocious I felt the ground shake. He backed up looking shocked and scared. He recognized the alpha authority in my growl. Then he turned straight around and took off down the trail deeper into the woods using his heightened werewolf abilities to run a little bit faster. Pussy. I decided I'd give him a five second head start and chase him down in human form. Sounds fair right? I pulled some extra shorts on I always keep strapped to my leg in case of emergencies and started the countdown. 5...4...3...2...

River's POV

"mmmmmmmmmhh" That's the only sound I could make. I sat up and looked around at my surroundings trying to figure out what had just happened.

"Hey, Are you alright? You look really pale. You might need to lay back down." Wow. That's a nice view to wake up to. Scout was sitting right in front of me on his knees, and he was shirtless. Dang, he's hot. He looked really worried. Oh yeah, I passed out. Why did I pass out in the first place? OH MY GOD, Brody!

"Where's Brody!" I tried to make my voice calm but it came out sounding completely panicked.

"He...uhhh...he ran off." Scout looked completely angry when he said that. I wonder if he saw the whole conversation between me and Brody.

"So how much of that did you see?" I said while trying to stand up but failed miserably. Scout had to catch me or I would have collapsed. The second our skin touched I felt electricity ignite in the place where his arm was supporting my weight. I've never felt anything like that before. So I pulled off of him and looked at him curiously.

"I saw it all." Was all he said.

"I'm really embarrassed. I'm sorry you had to hear all of that. Thank God you were here though or he probably would have kidnapped me." He didn't say anything else. He just looked in the woods like he was looking for something or having an internal conversation with himself. I decided to break the silence again. "Sooooooo why does this happen when we touch?" I said as I touched his forearm with my index finger again igniting a major spark.

"I have to tell you something, River." He rubbed the back of his neck. I guess this is bad news. But wait, this boy barely knows me. What could he have to say that's so bad?

"Go ahead." I was starting to get nervous.

"Will you come with me back to my house? I know that sounds strange but there really is something I need to tell you...I just think you'll believe me more if you see it for yourself." He looked down at his bare feet like he was ashamed or embarrassed of something. He was so cute when he looked so fragile.

"Yes." I answered with a smile. I was eager to get away from here. Thanks to Brody I'll probably never have the guts to come running back out here on my trail by myself anymore.

"OK, let's go." He said while showing me that earth shattering smile of his and offering me his arm. I took it right away ignoring the the sudden feeling of electricity our arms being locked created. I could get used to this boy.

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