6 - I'm a What?

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Sorry! Another cliffhanger! haha I'm evil, I know >)

Here comes the good part! :)

River's POV

Scout had just told me to take a seat on an old pine tree that had fallen and created a nice little bench near the edge of the forest. I don't know what the big secret he has to tell me is but I hope it has something to do with this amazing village out here in the middle of the woods. It'd be great to get an explanation from him about it. I'm actually really interested in all of this fairy tale stuff. I think he thinks I'm scared but I'm not at all. I'd love to believe that fairy tales really do exist. I mean, who wouldn't?

"OK, so I know you don't know me all that great and I don't know you that much either. It's just that since the first time I laid my eyes on you, River, I knew that we were made for each other." Did I just hear him correctly? Or are my ears just telling me what I want to hear? "So here it goes: You're my mate and I know this without a shadow of a doubt because I'm an alpha werewolf." Ummm...............

"River, are you alright? Can you say something please?" I was so dumbfounded, I didn't know what to say. I'm sure that if I spoke right now all that would come out would just be a jumbled up mess anyways so I decided to sit there for a few more seconds to let what Scout just confessed sink in.

"I..I I don't know what to say. I don't know what to think. I, I, I just don't know." I got up and walked towards the nearest tree about 7 feet away and I leaned up against it looking away from the handsome man claiming that we were meant for each other. What does a 'mate' even mean? I've read novels and books about real wolves and everything but I don't know anything about what Scout claims he is. He was about to protest for me not to leave when I cut him off. "Shhh hang on. As I was saying, I don't know what to think about all this....BUT," I turned towards him as I put my hands on my hips and flashed him a brief smile. "I do have an open mind and I just happen to think you're pretty handsome so if you don't mind, will you please give me a tour of every stone and stick in this place, as you promised, while you tell me more about what a mate is and what being an alpha werewolf means, please?

"Yes Ma'am, absolutely!" I've never seen a smile as bright as the smile he just flashed me. I took his hand and he kissed the back of mine. I think my heart just fluttered a little bit.

Scout's POV

I heard River's heart skip a beat after I kissed her hand. What can I say though, my mother raised me to be a gentleman. Speaking of my mother, she will be so excited when I introduce her to my amazing mate. Nobody but Nash knows about her yet. I'd do anything in this world to make River happy and I've never been this happy in my entire life! If things keep going this smoothly I'll finally have my mate and the pack will have their Luna by the time the ceremony takes place Sunday! The first place I plan on taking River is my house to introduce her to everyone. Maybe it's too soon for that though? I'll ask and see what she thinks.

"OK so I'll start off by saying that you have made me the happiest man alive by not screaming and running away. Really. I know it's a lot to take in so I'll start off slowly by telling you the basics." We talked as we made our way to my house in the center of the neighborhood. "I am an alpha werewolf meaning that I am an ancestor of one of the very first werewolves from thousands of years ago. Each wolf pack can only have one alpha in charge. Alpha's have an element of power over other wolves. They are almost like the leaders or captains of their packs. Everyone in the Alpha's pack has an extreme respect for him and his Luna. They would all give up their lives for their Alpha pair if it came to that.

Alpha's are stronger if they have a large pack, which I do. It doesn't actually belong to me yet though. The ceremony takes place Sunday evening where I get possession of this pack. My father is the current Alpha of this pack and my mother is the current Luna. I'm taking you to meet them right now if you don't mind." She smiled and nodded saying she didn't mind. "OK, Great." I said with a grin.

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