10 - That Little Voice In My Head

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Double digit chapters! yay! I'm SO sorry for taking so long to update :/ No excuses. I was just lazy haha but here's the next chapter; Hope you love it!


River's POV

I woke up the next morning, from an amazing sleep, at about 7:45, to Scout sitting up on the end of the bed, grinning at me. I should've been freaked out but all that was running through my head was how my hair probably looked like a messy inferno and I probably had sleep swollen eyes. I sat up and stretched my arms over my head and then put them directly on my hips. "What are you doing here?" I tried to say accusingly but it came out a little more playful than I wanted.

"I woke up a few hours ago and couldn't go back to sleep. You snore really loud, by the way." He said with a hearty laugh. Oh my Lord, how embarrassing! I forgot that since he's a werewolf, he would hear me snore from another room..."It's unbelievably cute though." I blushed. He scooted closer to me and touched my face. "Everything about you is. And don't think that stunt you pulled last night is going to go unpunished." I hope it doesn't. I wonder how long he's been in here watching me sleep.

"I'm looking forward too it." I said under my breath. I then realized he could hear me because he took in a shaky breath. I changed the subject really quick so as not to distract myself from being abstinent until my wedding night. "Have you been watching me sleep the whole time you've been awake? And I'm sorry if I woke you up with my snoring..." That's so embarrassing. When Brody attacked me in my room, he broke my nose. So I snore now. It never really bothered me before but didn't realize how self conscious I was of it until now. He put his index finger up to my mouth, making me hush.

"Hush it, River. I would rather be woken up every night by the sound of your sweet snoring than to not hear you breathe at all. It's comforting and it reassures me that you're still here. And, yes, I have been watching you sleep. You look like an angel when you're awake but, wow, when you're asleep you could end wars with your beauty." That's deep. He is seriously the sweetest man ever. He looked off in to the distance like he was listening to or concentrating deeply about something. "Mom's almost got breakfast ready. Do you wanna take a shower and then me meet down there in a few minutes? I laid out some extra clothes and my jersey for you in the closet. We can swing by your house later before the game to get you some other clothes if those don't fit." When he said the words 'my jersey', his face completely lit up like a kid on Christmas morning. How did he know breakfast was almost ready?

"I'm sure they'll be fine. I'm not too picky, I am with YOU after all." I said while I grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze while I winked. We both laughed. "Scout, how did you know breakfast was almost ready?" I said as I got up out of bed and headed for the bathroom.

"My mom told me in my head...We can communicate mentally with each other." He said with a shrug like it was no big deal. I turned around after he said that and stood there in amazement once again. "She says good morning. It's really not a big deal. All werewolves can from the time they first shift. I shifted for the first time when I was 9. That's considered an extremely young age for first-time shifters. Kids usually don't shift until they are about 14 or 15. You'll be able to hear me through the mind link once we've completely mated. That way if either one of us is in trouble or if we need to communicate with each other whenever, we can. It's a really good battle tactic as well. Our enemies never see it coming...Well most of our enemies. The rogues have the ability to communicate with their Alpha only, whereas all other pack members can communicate with everyone inside their pack as they wish."

"Well, yeah...this is a huge deal, Scout! It's amazing! What's it like? I mean like, what does it sound like? In your head." I don't know mental link etiquette but I don't want to be rude. "Oh, and tell your mom I said good morning to her too." He smiled that heart-melting smile of his again and I almost collapsed under the weight of his green eyed grin.

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