16 - Underground Railroad

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SSS - Sorry So Short! My 90's girls know what I'm talking about ;) Enjoy!

-----------This chapter includes Rated R content. No one under 18 is advised to continue reading.-----------

River's POV

As I laid there on that God-forsaken table, waiting for Brody to inflict whatever he was planning whenever the paralyzing serum wore off, two things crossed my mind.

1. - Scout must think that I'm a real bitch, excuse my language. He thinks that I never loved him and that our whole relationship was a lie. It's obvious now that he believed my lie or he would have tried to save me. I can't blame him though. I crushed him. He hates me.

And 2. - I will most likely never see him again. That hurt bad. More than the physical pain that Brody is about to inflict. There's one thing that hurts worse; way worse. The lack of the magnetic pull that is no longer pulling my heart strings. Just a few hours ago I felt the pull loosen up to more of a fluttering...then it just went away. I still don't know that much about werewolves but Scout mentioned something once about the only way mates can no longer be mates. He must have rejected me.

The pounding hole in my chest where my heart used to be was throbbing. Gradually, feeling in my fingers and toes returned, reminding me that the time was running out before Brody stole my innocence in front of all these animals. As if on cue, Brody spoke up.

"Are you ready, angel? I know I am." Brody's voice was husky and I could see he was very 'ready' from the prominent bulge in his jeans. I could wiggle my fingers now. I tried to move my hand...nothing. You know that feeling you get when your foot or leg goes to sleep that feels like static? That's what my whole body felt like. I guess that was it trying to come back to life, I don't know. But after a few more minutes of feeling like my body was nothing more than white noise, I could move my fingers freely. Brody saw that I was no longer paralyzed. Good. I stuck out both of my middle fingers while he was still watching the movement of my hands. He smirked and walked towards my lower body; unbuckling his belt on the way. I unintentionally swallowed back my fear and realized that my body was back to working normally. So I did what anybody would do if they were in my position...I screamed. Loud.


Scout's POV

Fifteen of my best pack-members and I were following the very faint trail of River's scent when it just disappeared completely near the border of my pack's territory.

'What the actual fuck? Where'd her scent go?' Nash sent through the mind link. He was standing just behind me with his nose pressed firmly to the ground. He wanted to find my River just as much as I did. They all do. My pack loves their Luna, even if they did get off to a rocky start. They all know now that it was a trap and that we were all fooled. I'm so fucking mad at myself for letting her go so easily. There's no telling what Brody's done to her. I can still feel that she's alive though; She has to be alive.

'I can barely feel the mate pull. She has to be close.' I relayed back to them all.

'Son, this is going to be hard, but try to focus on the pull, however small it may be. It will at least point us in the right direction to go next. There is absolutely no more scent trail to follow. They must have drove from here. You're her only chance now.' My dad came up beside of me and looked me in the eyes as he spoke his wisdom. He might have passed down his Alpha title to me, but the man was born to be a leader. I don't know if I'm cut out for it so much. If I can't even take care of my precious mate how am I supposed to lead a whole pack?

'There is no way they drove from here. I would have caught a tire scent and trust me, I smelled no rubber. It's like they just disappeared in to the blue.' Sawyer let us know. If anyone could find tires, it's him. The boy is obsessed with cars and all their parts. If I didn't know he had his mate already, I'd say he was mated to his 1976 Ford Mustang. He loves that old piece of shit. But none of that matters. She couldn't have just gone in to the blue. What is the 'blue' anyways? The sky? What, they all of a sudden just sprouted wings and flew up up and away to Heaven? No. Brody could never get to Heaven. He can go down to Hell as far as I'm concerned....wait....down to Hell...down...down, down. THAT'S IT!

'They're underground! That would explain why her scent is so faint! We aren't tracking her scent on the ground...We are smelling where she's been underground! Start digging!' I started digging in to the hard ground with my razor sharp claws with insurmountable veracity. I HAD to get to my River and save her from that devil as soon as  I could. Everybody was just standing there watching me.

'Is that even possible?' Dax questioned.

'He's lost his mind.' Sawyer stated.

'I'll talk to him.' Nash made his way over to where I was furiously tearing in to the ground. 'Come on, man. Think about this for a second. How would they go underground inside of our territory without anyone seeing a disturbed patch of earth or a trap door or anything?' He put his paw on my shoulder. 'It's not likely, bro. We'll look somewhere else. Let's go.' He nudged me and caused me to stop digging. That was all it took for me to snap. I had been too high strung for too long. I'd had it. I jumped on top of Nash and tackled him to his back before he knew what was going on. I was on top of him with his back on the ground and it took all of my strength to not clamp my jaws around his neck to show my dominance the way wolves do their pups.

'You listen to me right now! I am your ALPHA. You are never supposed to question my judgement. I will do anything, ANYTHING, to save my mate. Do you hear me?' He wasn't resisting at all and was not blocking his belly which was a huge show of respect towards me. Then he did something even I wasn't expecting. He switched back in to his human form. It was the ultimate way for him to show me that he trusted me as his superior completely. It would have been weird hovering over my best friend naked like that but I was way too upset to care about an uncovered penis at the time. 'Do you understand, Nash? I HAVE to get to her! They are underground...I can feel it! I know' He cut me off.

"Shut up!" He turned his head away from me so his ear was on the ground.

'How dare you tell me to shut up! I am your' He cut me off yet again.

"NO! Shhhhhhhhh! Everybody, I'm trying to hear something!" We all waited a few seconds until Nash bursted back in to his wolf form and slammed his head straight back to the ground.

'IT'S HER! LISTEN! IT'S RIVER!' He screamed bloody murder through the link. It would have hurt my ears if I was paying attention to anything after I heard the words 'It's her'. Now everybody's ears were pressed down to the ground trying to hear River's voice. I hopped off of Nash and started back desperately digging in my already deep hole I'd started before Nash stopped me.

Then we all heard what is sure to give me nightmares for the rest of my life. A faint, horrible, gut-wrenching, pain filled scream coming from under the earth. It was River.

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