9 - Fireflies and Southern Hospitality

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Hey y'all! I'm going to try to make this chapter as long as possible. A lot is about to happen and it might get confusing so if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask me! There are a few different POV's in this chapter as well. I haven't edited this so don't get mad at my grammatical mistakes lol! I hope y'all enjoy!

River's POV

"I said, to complete the mating we have to make love. But, listen, I know you're not ready for that and to tell you the truth, I don't know if I am either. I mean, yeah I've had sex before but with you it's different."

He stopped walking and stepped in front of me taking both of my hands.

"I want it to be so special. River, I'll wait as long as it takes for you to be ready to take that step with me. Please don't be mad that this has to happen. I wish it didn't for you. I mean, I would love to do that with you but...ughhhh...this is coming out so wrong." He released my hands and looked down.

I put my hands on both sides of his face and brought his lips to mine. He was not expecting it and I could tell that I had caught him by surprise. This kiss was nothing like the last. Our first kiss was slow and sweet, this one was powerful and demanding, and to tell the truth, a little wild. I didn't know how bad I had been craving his lips until they were against mine. He is like a thirst I will never be quenched of or an addictive drug that an overdose of still wouldn't be enough. I tried to tell him that with every movement of our synchronized lips. We both pulled away at the same time a little breathless. I put my finger up to his lips letting him know to be quiet so I could talk.

"I'm not mad at the last step, Scout. One day, I would love for us to complete the mating, but like you said, I'm not ready yet. I do have one little request about that though...it may be a little silly but I made a promise a long time ago to my mom and I intend to keep it. I want to stay a virgin until I'm married...and if you still want to, I would like for you to mark me right now, before we get to your parent's house." I spoke this and he looked shocked.

"River, I told you I'd wait for as long as it takes for you to be ready. Waiting till our wedding night, whenever that may be, would just make it all the more special. I am one-hundred percent okay with waiting until then. Sure it'll be extremely hard but it'll be well worth it. But are you sure you want me to mark you now? This is a huge deal. I wasn't expecting you to be OK with all of this so soon. You don't have to do this right now, for me." It was so cute how he always put myself over what he wanted. I could tell from the very first time he told me that he was a werewolf he wanted to mark me. He is such a gentleman.

"Yes I want you to do it now. I want to show your parents that I take this seriously and that I intend to be the best Luna possible. I think by taking the initiative and letting you mark me now, it will let them know that I mean business...and it will maybe show you that I'm not going anywhere and that nobody will ever be able to steal me away from you by my own free will..."

I let the last part hang in the air between us because I wanted Scout to know that I would stand by him and be his mate, werewolf or not, no matter what happens in the future, whether that be in ten years or ten minutes from now when we face his parents for the first time as mates. He took my hand and started walking us towards his home again. He kept shaking his head back and forth. "Why are you doing that? You don't want to mark me anymore?" I started to get worried and self conscious.

"River, I just can't get over how amazing you are. I never expected you to be this accepting. I mean every word when I say you will be the best Luna there ever was. And heck yes, I am marking you tonight, if that's what you really want." He gave me a questioning look as if asking me if that's what I still wanted.

"I do." I answered his look with a genuine smile.

"Then you better hang on tight cause we're headed somewhere special." He said excitedly as he swung me up bridal style and started running...fast. He wasn't kidding when he told me that his physical skills were heightened. I'd say we were going at least 50 mph, and he was in human form! I wonder how fast he could go in his wolf form. It was so exhilarating going that fast so I shut my eyes and did nothing but laugh the entire 5 minute run. We he finally stopped, he didn't put me down. "Open your eyes, giggle box." He told me.

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