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So today's the day Alex and his parents are coming over and I hope everything goes by well, but I also want it to go by quickly. Don't get me wrong, I wanna get to know Alex better but I have a feeling that something bad is gonna happen tonight.

"Mom, where's Chloe?" I asked as I walked into the living room to see my mother dragging the kitchen table. I rolled my eyes and lifted up the table before placing it in the middle of the room. I pushed back the couch so that it was against the wall and brought the TV to the corner of the room.

"Thanks, and Chloe's at Jane's house." She replied and fell against the couch. I looked at the clock on the wall to see that it was after 3.

"It's not even close to 5 and you're already setting up the table." I said and watched her with pursed lips. She just shrugged and rest her head against the wall.

"Could you please put the plates and glasses?" She asked. I nodded and went to the kitchen before coming back with some plates. I placed each one of them on the table before going back for the glasses.

"Again, thanks. Now go take a shower." She instructed. I gaped at her.

"It's early!" I groaned but turned around and made my way up the stairs.

"You haven't touched water ever since you woke up." She spoke. She does have a point.

"Fine, " I muttered and went into my room before changing into a towel. I walked into the bathroom, took a quick shower before walking out. A few minutes later, I walked out of my room as fresh as a daisy, but is a daisy really clean? I mean rain water falls on it. And rain isn't actually clean. Wait, why am I talking about rain?

My thoughts were interrupted by my phone going off. I looked at the caller ID and frowned. It was my dad. It's not like him to call me unless he wants to talk to my mother.

Suddenly, memories of when I came out to him flashed in my head. I remember it as if it was just yesterday. I had come home from school with good news. Well, at least it was good news to me and my mom. I told them that I had a crush on this person but I never mentioned the gender. Dad was happy but mom was kinda off. I didn't take it to heart though. When they asked me who was 'she', I was afraid to tell them that it wasn't a girl, but when I did, I regretted it. Dad was furious and mom was shocked. What I didn't expect was for dad to slap me.

It took both me and mom by surprise. That's when the relationship between the three of us broke. Everything just happened so quickly. Dad yelling at us, mom screaming at him to stop, Chloe crying from behind us. The thoughts made me shiver.

I was so much in my thoughts that I didn't notice that the call ended and that he called two more times. I gulped and put my phone in my pocket before going down the stairs. I looked at the clock to see that it was after 4.

I went into the living room to see the lights dimmed down with five candles lighting in the middle of the table.

"Wow, this really means a lot to you, " I mumbled to my mother. She looked up and smiled at me.

"I'm meeting my best friend again. Of course it'll mean a lot to me." She replied. I smiled back before sitting down on the couch. Mom was dressed in a red bodycon dress which shows off the curves that drove men crazy.

"Does this dress fit me well? Do I look pretty? I don't think I should wear this. Does it make me look fat? Does the color-"

"Mom, you look beautiful, " I said cutting her off. She gave me a genuine smile and leaned forward before leaving a kiss on my cheek.

"Thank you, " She said. I shrugged and looked towards the kitchen. There was a shuffling sound coming from outside but I ignored it. Maybe it was just the neighbour's cat chasing after a mouse.

"When are they coming?" I asked and looked at mom. Her eyes widen as they land on the front door.

"They're already here, " She said and ran over to the door. The sound of her heels hitting the ground upsets my stomach. It's hard to believe that women are actually comfortable wearing those tall things.

I got up from the couch and stood next to the table like a gentleman, the same way my mother taught me when I was a kid. Mom's voice rang across the room as she greeted Mr. St. Marie, his wife and Alex.

Then my eyes landed on his. He looked so hot. He was dressed in a green dress top and a brown pants, his hair neatly done and a gold chain hung around his neck.

"Hello, Keith. I'm Jane, " A voice said snapping me out of my thoughts. I didn't realize that they all came over to the table. I looked over at Mrs. St. Marie and smiled as I took her hand and shook it.

"Nice to meet you, Jane, " I said and let go of her hand. I looked over at Mr. St. Marie, my smile never leaving my face.

After greeting everyone, we sat down with me sitting next to Alex. He glanced at me and winked causing me to blush and look away. The rest of the day went by with us getting to know each other before mom went to the kitchen and brought the food in.

"Yay, food!" I cheered and grinned. Mom glared and shushed me, causing Alex to chuckle.

"Hayley, didn't you have two kids?" Mr. St. Marie asked. Mom hummed in response as she served the food on his plate.

"Yeah, Chloe's over at her friend's house, " She replied before going over to my plate. I licked my lips and dug in after she moved on to Alex's plate.

Suddenly there was a bang on the door. I looked over at mom and told her that I would go get it. She nodded as I got up and walked over to the door before opening it.

"Hey, what's-"

"You son of a bitch!" Came from outside. My heart skipped a beat when I realized who the voice belonged too. My eyes landed on the dull, grey eyes which left me and my mom alone in the house. The person who tore me apart like I was just a piece of paper.

"What are you doing here?" I asked underneath my breath as he stared at me with hatred in his eyes. Before I could slam the door shut, his fist collided with the side of my face.

He Stole My Heart |BoyXBoy|Where stories live. Discover now